Last week Billy finished up our series on the Book of Jesus. We were reminded of the foundational truths on which we build our lives. In the last few weeks of the series we learned how Jesus, after perfectly reflecting God in humanity, handed off his mission to us. We, as the church, have been restored so that we can reveal God to others.
This coming Sunday is Mother’s Day. It’s not necessarily a biblical or Christian holiday, but it is a great reminder that half the church is made up of women! God created men and women to reflect his image—together.
So, this Sunday we will be exploring one of the classic passages that we often turn to in order to celebrate moms—only to see that its message goes way beyond simply celebrating motherhood. Proverbs 31:10-31 celebrates wise women who carry out their day-to-day tasks with strength, competence, and confidence. It characterizes their everyday activities as heroic feats worthy of honor. Why? Because their sacrificial service to their communities and families demonstrates wisdom and a fear of the Lord.
Proverbs 31 shows us that these wise and godly women move God’s mission forward, and deserve to be honored as Women of Valor.
Bring someone you want to honor, and join us on Sunday morning as we unpack this surprising celebration of half the church.
Read Proverbs 31 before Sunday morning, and ask yourself if, on the surface, this seems encouraging (or just exhausting)? Join us this Sunday morning at 10 a.m. though one of the three doors to LifeWay Church: