When do we come back to the church building?
Are you asking that question yet? Well, if you are asking, here’s the answer:
We just don’t know!
But there are some things that we do know for sure, no matter what. We are learning a great deal about ministry with COVID-19. The following is a short list of some things we are continuing in these shut-down days, some of which we will continue after life opens up.
- NOW: We are continuing our Sunday live-stream service at 10 a.m. It’s been a new and enjoyable experience. Thank you!
THEN: Even when we’re back in the building, we will continue the streaming part of our services, if for no other reason than that many in our church have restrictions on physical attendance. - NOW: We will continue to care for each other! You have been asked to call and check in on each other. You have done this. Thank you!
THEN: Even when we’re back in the building, I want that habit of being inclusive and checking in on each other to NEVER stop. - NOW: We are continuing to support our missionaries and our outreach! We are praying for and keeping tabs on global workers in a way that we have never before. Thank you!
THEN: Even when we’re back in the building, we will keep learning new ways to pray with, check on, and literally adopt missionaries in a whole new way that we have never done before. - NOW: We as a church family have continued to give financially to the church ministry. When the bomb dropped on our world with shut-downs in March, you went home and did what you were told, but you adjusted quickly, allowing the work to continue! Thank you!
AFTER: Even when we’re back in the building, we are going to take what we have learned and continue to be even more supportive of God’s great Kingdom work. - NOW: We are teaching the Word of God faithfully. The answers we get and the direction we take are from God’s Word.
THEN: Even when we’re back in the building, we will continue! We will become stronger in our walk with Christ and deeper in our faith in God’s Word.
Romans 8
I am teaching out of Romans 8!
All the Bible is God-breathed, but there are some places in scripture that seem to resonate for the perfect moment. Romans 8 is one of those passages that speaks to life on almost every level. It is truly one of the highlight passages of scripture. This is our study for the next few weeks of Sunday services. Continue to make this chapter a part of your regular reading and review over the next few weeks. Underline those places in scripture that jump out at you. Write yourself notes in your Bible. Let’s pore over this incredible chapter in the Bible together.
See you Sunday morning online. Love you all.
