Most of us when we hear this question immediately identify the commercial on TV, the main actor who is featured, and the product being pitched. Being able to identify the product being advertised makes a really quality commercial. The actor: Samuel L Jackson. The product: Capital One credit! See… they are even getting some free air time from us in this newsletter!
But let’s think about that phrase… “what’s in your wallet?” It implies so many things that tug at the heart strings of most of us. Do I actually have what I need in my wallet to buy what I think I must have in order to make me fulfilled and happy? Not to come down too harshly on this credit company, but that is exactly what it implied. You don’t have what you need to do all you want to do unless you have this! So what’s in your wallet?
This Sunday I will be teaching out of Romans 4:1-15. I want you to read this passage ahead of time, and try to think through what this is saying. If there one key verse I might point you to it would be Romans 4:3… “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” This whole passage talks a great deal about credits, earnings, religiosity, and ultimately trying to find a righteousness that allows me to walk with God. It asks questions such as… “Can you earn favor with God?”… “Do you have what you need to find life?”… “Where do you find your security?” In other words… “What’s in your wallet?”
Study ahead. Pray for our worship time this Sunday. I’m excited to see you as we gather as a family. I am honored to study God’s Word with this wonderful family of faith.
See you Sunday morning