About ten years ago Patty was asked to paint about 25 portraits of famous people who would be considered ‘peace makers’ in the world. Individuals who stand out as people who brought something better for a nation and the world. She was asked to do this by a missionary who served in a difficult place in Asia to be put into a coffee shop there. It was actually called the “Peace Café.” The intent was to foster conversations among the clients who would come in and talk about what a difference different people can make in the world. We all know of warlike characters in history. But it is an interesting conversation to talk about what makes a person of peace in history. She did lots of research and was very careful about choosing people from all kinds of backgrounds. On her list she included people like Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King… you get the idea. Some were Christians, some were not. But by and large they are historically looked on as people who attempted a more peaceful approach to life. Jesus was on the list for sure. But let me explain what she did with the Jesus paintings.
She did not paint a portrait of Jesus, but instead painted the actions of Jesus and what He was and what He did. One painting was Jesus the great Shepherd. One painting was Jesus the healer. One painting was Jesus the great counselor. All of these are totally accurate and true about Jesus. But we know this to be true about Jesus. Because of Him being God in the flesh and laying down His life for mankind; and because of the Easter story of the resurrection, this Jesus is the only way to life. Plenty of other characters in history have accomplished remarkable things for mankind. But only one is the Savior for all mankind who come to believe in Him.
This is the Easter story.
As you prepare for Easter Sunday, I encourage you to take time and read from any or all four of the New Testament Gospel stories (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) of the resurrection of Jesus. Then do this… finish it off with Romans 8:31-39. The resurrection tells us who Jesus really is. Romans 8:31-39 tells us who we now can be when we are found in Christ.
Pray for Easter at LifeWay Church. Pray for Easter in our community where so many need to hear this message. Pray for Easter and the witness that is going out around the world.
By the way… if you come a little early Easter morning, and hang out a little after, we will have some fun Easter treats for everyone. Of course, this is also a fabulous time to invite someone you have been praying for and have them hear this message. We will have a Kids Sunday School Easter message just for them as well during the sermon time.
See you Sunday.
Jesus Christ is Risen. He is Risen Indeed.