Merry Christmas one more time!
As I write this article to you, our dear LifeWay Church family, on this Thursday morning the day after Christmas, I just want to say that my heart is full and warmed by the pleasure of being part of this dear family, as well as being amazing partners with you as we strive to serve the King by carrying the Gospel message to the world. Somehow the Christmas Eve candlelight services served as an amazing centerpiece on the entire season for me, and I hope for you as well. Seeing those candles held high while singing Silent Night is not only my very favorite moment in Church Service life throughout the whole year, but it is a reminder of what we do as a church family. Let your light shine before mankind….! (Matthew 5:14). It is also really, really cool to watch and be part of in that room!
This coming Sunday, December 29, I will bring another message from the story of the coming of Jesus at Christmas. It was one of my favorites and it is found in Luke 2:21-40. It was just 8 days after the birth of Jesus to Mary, and it says that they were following the instructions of the law and took him to the Temple to be circumcised as well as their purification ritual. It was here that they came across two individuals who were waiting for them… and waiting for Jesus; Simeon and Anna. Yes… they were waiting for Him – the child – the Savior, and somehow God revealed to them that He had arrived. I always encourage you to read this passage before ahead before we come together to study it this Sunday.
This is the story we will look at. We will sing a few more wonderful Christmas songs. We will share in communion together at the end of the service, so very appropriate for our last Sunday of the calendar year. But we will also bask in the joy of knowing that we too have waited for Him and He has arrived.
Merry Christmas to you.
I will save a New Year’s greeting for next week.