This coming Sunday morning, December 19, we will be all in for Christmas during our worship time together.
On this day of Christmas celebration, we will have the kids light the fourth Advent candle, we will give a special Christmas gift to the children, and I will share a Christmas message entitled, “What Child is This?” Most of us have a list of favorite Christmas songs; on my favorites list is the song with that title.
But it’s not just a title—it’s also a really good question.
The reason this has been such a great question over the centuries is that even though the Messiah had been predicted long before…
- In Genesis 3:15
- By prophets Like Isaiah in chapter 9 700 years before
- By many other prophets—Micah, the psalmists, and more
Even though the announcement of His birth would come…
- To Zechariah and Elizabeth (Luke 1)
- To Mary (Luke 1)
- To Joseph (Matthew 1)
Even though foreigners came from far away to recognize this newborn king…
- The Wise Men (Matthew 2)
…there were still questions in their minds about who this child really was. In fact, the stories of Jesus in all four gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—are about Jesus being the fulfillment of the Savior/Messiah. Everyone was always asking, Who are you really? What child is this?
Maybe you, too, are really asking that same question.
On Sunday morning, I am going to take a look at this famous story and challenge us all with the message of Jesus, the Messiah. A famous verse we often point out, Colossians 1:15, says, “Christ is the visible image of the invisible God—the firstborn over all creation.” That is who this child is!
Let’s prepare our hearts for this Christmas celebration worship by reading the Christmas stories:
Then find and highlight Colossians 1:15 in your own Bible.
See you Sunday morning at 10 a.m. (Kids: We have a special Advent gift for you as well!) Merry Christmas to you all!