Virtual Prayer Meetings Launch Next Week!

Virtual Prayer Meetings Launch Next Week!

The Prophet Isaiah introduced a King in Isaiah 61 who would rule in a glorious kingdom. He went on to say that the destruction of Jerusalem would come to a stop. The people of God would restore the city back to its former greatness. More importantly, the people would be restored to a right relationship with their God. Then in Isaiah 61:6, it said, “But you will be called the priests of the Lord; You will be spoken of as ministers of our God.” I sense Isaiah was saying the Jews would be God’s spokespersons to the people of the surrounding nations. They would carry God’s message to the world.


In the same way the Jews were God’s spokespersons to the nations during Isaiah’s time, you and I are God’s spokespersons to our world today. The world sees the numbers of those infected and dying rising daily, and no one knows how high the numbers will go tomorrow. They have a lot of questions and they have a lot of fear. They fear they are infected, or facing quarantine. They belong to a high-risk group. Doctors, nurses and caregivers fear going to work, as do grocery store and delivery workers. Leaders fear making the wrong decisions. Business owners fear their businesses may shut down. Workers fear losing their jobs.


You and I face challenges as God’s spokespersons to a world paralyzed by fear. For this reason, we need to pray. Starting the week of April 5, and every week, there are virtual prayer meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.* Each meeting is led by a pastor, elder, or leader. I invite you to sign up to join one that is most convenient for you, and pray with us. A link to the prayer meeting on Zoom will be sent to your email address ten minutes before start of meeting.


Let us come prepared and let us pray, so we may be God’s effective spokespersons to the world. I hope you will join us!




Sign up to attend a virtual prayer meeting


*Earlier this week we posted meeting times of 7-8 p.m. The times have changed to 7:30-8:30 p.m. for next week and possibly beyond. Please forgive the scheduling change and any inconvenience this has created.