This coming Sunday, February 7, we are looking at the next story in our “Book of Jesus” series: the famous story of the Samaritan woman at the well. You can find the story in John 4:1-42. In every story we study this winter from John, we find Jesus revealing something new about himself. This story is no different.
To help shape your thoughts, I want you to think about what it means to worship God. For most of us, worship means music, singing, or maybe giving money. But at the core of this particular story is a lesson about what real worship is.
In last week’s story from John 3, Jesus had an encounter with Nicodemus, a well-established, well-known Jewish leader. Here was a man with an incredibly good resumé and heritage, and yet Jesus revealed to him that his lineage alone was not sufficient. That’s why Jesus revealed to him the need for a “new birth”: “You must be born again!” The very next story—this week’s story—is Jesus’ encounter with someone very different. He had a significant exchange with an unnamed woman who was of suspect lineage, with an irregular religious background, a shady moral character, and a fishy personal story.
Through this encounter Jesus revealed what it means to live out true worship.
John 4:23-24 “…the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
In our story sets for this season, we are working through the life and ministry of Jesus and how, step by step, Jesus revealed more and more about himself.
- Take the time to read John 4:1-42 before Sunday.
- Carefully think through the important details of this story and its application for you.
- Meet with a small group of people (in person or online) after the service to discuss the implications for your own life.
Let’s all come to know Jesus in a real and personal way. This is the journey of study we are on together. See you Sunday at 10 a.m. through one of our 3 doors to worship:
- 1: Watch online in your own home
- 2: Join a small group and stream the service together
- 3: Come to church and join us inside the building (remember to register!)