The top of this article is from me (Billy) and the 2nd half is from Scott Jackson. This Sunday, August 4, we are honored to have our own Scott Jackson bring us a message in our summer series we call… “The Promises of God.” Scott and Diane serve in Eastern Europe and have been workers on the international field now for over 14 years. And LifeWay is their home church (and of course Diane is our daughter!! — and sweet Pollyanna is our granddaughter!!!). I received this short article from Scott as they are traveling this week back to the states to be with us. The following is his His promise from God verse that he is preaching from this week… and Scott’s article to help us prepare for this Sunday is as follows:
- Philippians 1:6 “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”
From Scott:
The Christian life begins when God gives us the gift of faith to trust in Jesus for forgiveness of sins and a brand new start. The Bible says in Jesus we are a new creation, but still an unfinished creation. On the cross Jesus said “It is finished”, but there remains a work which God intents to complete in us. God is not finished with me. And He’s not finished with you. What is the work God wishes to perfect in us with the time that remains? And how does He intend to accomplish this work? We will take a close look at chapter 13 from the Gospel of John to see the answers that Jesus has given us as we cling to the promise that God has made: God always finishes what He has started!
See you Sunday.