I want to give examples to our church family on how to build a lifelong habit of reading and absorbing the Scripture on your own. Over these few weeks I’m showing you how I read the Bible each morning; maybe you will be able to develop a similar pattern. This is just an example of my devotional thoughts—not so you can use my devotional, but so you could instead cultivate your own time with God.
Currently, I am reading every weekday in this way:
- Old Testament: Currently in 1 Samuel
- Gospel: Currently in Mark
- New Testament: Currently in Hebrews
- A psalm to conclude
Here’s something I learned this morning.
Why did Jesus come in flesh and blood?
Hebrews 2:14-15 (NLT) Because God’s children are human beings—made of flesh and blood—the Son also became flesh and blood. For only as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he break the power of the devil, who had the power of death. Only in this way could he set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying.
As I read the whole chapter and park specifically on these two verses, it makes me reflect on what I have been teaching all year here at LifeWay—how the whole Bible really is “the Book of Jesus” that rises and falls, begins and ends, with Jesus. Without Jesus there would be no need for a Bible. Just as we’ve been studying this season about Jesus walking on this earth, these verses in Hebrews point out the reason why he came totally in the flesh. He came as flesh and blood in order to break the power of death with which flesh-and-blood living has cursed us. And only in Jesus—only in Jesus—can I be set free.
Jesus did many things: he healed, preached, showed compassion, loved, and was an amazing storyteller and teacher. But the totality of his arrival in this world was to restore the dignity that I have shattered.
This is my simple devotional. I challenge each of you to find your own reading plan and spend time with God every day.