Boy Oh Boy do I remember exams at school. Some of you reading this are still taking exams at school. But for others, like me, you might remember well what exam time meant, especially those dreaded ‘final exams!’ Maybe you enjoyed exams at school, but I did not. Taking a final exam was much like a trip to the dentist office for me when they drill on your teeth. You know you have to go through it, and there is life on the other side, but it is PAINFUL.
I’ve determined that the Christian Walk in life is has many regular spiritual exams. Let’s call it a ‘weekly’ spiritual quiz. As we walk with the Lord daily and weekly we are often faced with regular challenges of our faith — regular tests to see if what we intellectually believe about Jesus Christ holds up in the exams in life that come our way.
This Sunday we are taking on an important story that often gets overlooked. Many of us would know something about the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 with a few loaves of bread and fish. We would remember the story of Jesus walking on water. But then when we are tested with a simple act of faith, we crumble under fear and misunderstanding. We essentially don’t pass the test. That is the story we will be taking on this week. We will focus on the story found in Mark 8:11-21. But before you come Sunday, I would ask that you read more than just this story… read Mark 8:1-26 and think about the exam that Jesus was challenging the disciples with. Those around Jesus who had just experienced the incredible miracles of feeding thousands and walking on water now wanted a ‘sign’ to prove any trust that would have in Jesus. They were daring Jesus for more; they wanted proof!!!! At the same time they were taking a spiritual exam themselves. This is what we will focus on Sunday morning.
Let me assure you that I am not saying that when we show up at the gates of heaven at our death that we are confronted with a series of questions before we enter heaven. It is ONLY by the blood of Christ on the doorpost of our hearts that allow us to come into the presence of God. This is the total grace of God. But while we are on this earth our faith is on display daily. We are being tested regularly and often. How we deal with these tests reflect who we believe that Jesus really is.
See you Sunday as we worship together as a family