If we are forced about the battle of good and evil, some of us would first consider the original movie Star Wars. The cosmic battle of good and evil is the centerpiece of this blockbuster movie series. The “good guys” (Luke Skywalker and Princes Leia) versus the really – really – really bad (evil) guys Emperor Palpatine. But in between them is the conflicted character that was good, then turned to the dark side, before FINALLY at the last minute returned to the good side again. Of course we are talking about the famous (infamous) Darth Vader. The whole movie series is about the internal battle that we struggle with.
Most of us like to leave that kind of battle on the movie screen, but we don’t really want to face it for ourselves. But there really is a battle that goes on for all of us. But here is what I have found —- we like to talk about VICTORIES, but never want to admit that there still is a battle going on in our soul. The Christian world these days love to present the Victorious Life that can be ours, without laying out there this is still a battle going on. Honestly, you cannot understand the full glory of the victory without fully grasping the reality of the battle within.
For the last three Sundays, Kevin Perry and Chris Thomas have walked us through sections of Romans 6 & 7. They have done a marvelous job and I thank them deeply. If you are like me, Romans 8 (which obviously comes next) is so rich in encouragement using words like — “Conquerors” — “Glorious living” — “Triumphant Living” — “No Condemnation”! These words and phrases are true in our presentation of the Gospel. This might be my favorite chapter in all the Bible. But for one more Sunday I want to slow down and take one more good look at the
Battle that is within before we teach through the Triumphant, Victorious life that is ahead.
Before you come this Sunday morning, I am asking you to read carefully again through Romans 7:13 – 8:2. I am not trying to be repetitive. I just want to make sure we grasp the full weight of the Gospel not just in our victories, but in our battle that still goes on.
See you Sunday morning