It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!
This is a line from a famous sermon that has been passed around for years. But it’s not only a famous sermon—it’s a forever truth. This is Easter week; today is Good Friday, and Easter is this Sunday. I have been carefully reading the story and contemplating Jesus’ last few days of earthly life. This year we’ve been doing nightly Passion Week devotions that have helped us walk through the story. (You can watch them any time on LifeWay’s YouTube channel.)
This year, Easter is no doubt unlike any we have ever known. On a global scale, there are jobs lost, financial futures in jeopardy, school systems in every country that are totally disrupted. We are seeing economic failure, health crisis, and fear that prevails. We want to say that this is a time like no other. But to be honest with you, mankind has always been living on the edge of a cliff. We’ve always been either in current disaster or on the edge of disaster at all times—every year, decade, and century. Let’s be clear: we have been and are always in desperate need of rescue. That’s why God sent his own Son into the world (John 3:16). That’s why Passion Week is so significant. That’s why Good Friday was so painful. He did it for us.
I invite you to join our Good Friday online service at 7 p.m. Prepare yourself for the dark reality of who we are, how desperate we are without Christ, and the depths to which God went to rescue his creation.
It’s Friday…
It’s Friday…but Sunday’s coming.
See you online at 10 a.m. on Easter morning, when we’ll see what Sunday, the resurrection day really is.