National Missions is LifeWay’s opportunity to bring the presence and hope of Jesus to people in our own country, especially our Pacific Northwest region. We do that in several ways.
Church Planting
Healthy churches will bring the Jesus’ presence into their communities in tangible ways. LifeWay supports the regional work of the Northwest Baptist Convention to plant and encourage new churches. Currently, we are supporting Daniel and Stephanie Englehart and the Mountain Church in Des Moines, WA, as they become a self-sustaining community. Visit for more information.
Ministry on College Campuses

LifeWay is proud to partner with Josh and Sarah Bruyere as they work with Cru on city college campuses in New York City. With ministries on 5 different campuses, Josh and Sarah connect with students, raise up student leaders, and facilitate spiritual growth through a variety of in-person and online interactions. Visit for more information.
Disaster Relief

With several people trained by the North American Mission Board’s Disaster Relief, LifeWay members stand ready to help locally and regionally when disasters strike.
Missions Involvement
Let us know if you are interested in serving in missions with LifeWay Church!