Over the whole summer, beginning in June, we have spent time with 6 Spiritual Habits for a growing and thriving Disciple of Jesus…
- Prayer
- God’s Word
- Gathering
- Giving
- Sharing your Faith
- Rest
This Sunday August 27 we will look at the 7th on our list…
- Worship
When you use and hear the word “Worship,” most of us think of music, singing, or even we might call it “going to church.” But it is far beyond this. As you come this Sunday morning, spend some time looking over and contemplating Romans 12:1-2. This verse is a foundational verse in coming to understand and practice this habit of Worship. Romans 12 I believe gives us a clear visual of what real Worship is. In fact I would say that all the other Spiritual Habits culminate in Worship.
There is a radio station I listen to frequently that plays Christian music. Now, it is a good station and I enjoy the music greatly. But they often use a phrase right before they play the next song that says… “Worship Now!” —- then they play a song. I certainly understand what they are doing and appreciate the heart behind this. But worship is NOT a song to enjoy and get inspired by. Worship is NOT a religious service to attend. Worship is a life totally dedicated to the Almighty. Again… read carefully Romans 12:1-2.
I will see you Sunday morning… finally back in our building! (we’ve been out of the building two weekends in a row for Family Camp and Desna Cup!!!!!). But as we come to wrap up our summer, I pray that you have caught a vision and are learning the lifelong Spiritual Habits and practices that will lead you to a life of Worship.
See you Sunday at 10am