Sermons on Salvation

Sermons on Salvation


The Book of Jesus, Part 5: Sacrifice I bring to the table my sacrifice … which frankly does include: the family. The money. The life. The mindset. The directions of life. The hopes and dreams that we have. My sacrifice is the acknowledgement of my worship to God. … [As Warren Wiersbe wrote,] ‘The Christian who fails at life fails first at the altar.’ BILLY ARNOLD Download the discussion guide

What’s So Good About the Good News? Part 3

What’s So Good About the Good News? Part 3: God Won  God is truly all in, in order to bring us back to life. … This was God’s plan from the very beginning. It’s not a back-up plan! … God created it holy. Man quickly messed it up, but literally the day that mankind said, ‘I’m rebelling and falling away from You,’ God said, ‘MY plan is to rescue you personally.’ He won at the resurrection. And now we get…

What’s So Good About the Good News? Part 2

What’s So Good About the Good News? Part 2: God Engaged The principle of the Good News that I arrive at is this: God engages us at our point of brokenness. The Good News is, God says, ‘I want to work with you. I want [you] to find wholeness and help and healing’ — and He can, and does, make broken lives whole again. … God says, this world is disrupted and I am the only One who can make…

Shattered, Part 4

SHATTERED, Part 4: Good Shattered God is making a point here that God’s favor falls on those who rest in His grace. Ultimately these verses show us humanity’s sin, and that that sin breaks the heart of the Lord. It breaks the heart of Yahweh to the point [at which] his wrath must purify the earth. And yet, in the midst of that just wrath for our corruption, God’s grace is still made available for those who rest in Him.…

LAUNCH, Part 2: The Power of the Church

Unholy hands — undeserved people, reckless and destructive humanity — put to death the holy One of God, this Messiah. … They unknowingly fulfilled a divine plan of God – and that divine plan of God broke the power of sin and death. Peter says, essentially, that this was a reverse courtroom judgment. Jesus himself stood on trial. The court around Jesus says, “Guilty! Hang him! Crucify him! He’s not worthy to live!” They put him on the cross. What…