Acts 23:11 (NIV)
“Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.”
“California or Bust!”
In the 1930s, there were two great disasters that affected thousands of American families. On the great plains of the USA, a huge drought led to what is called in history the Dust Bowl days, affecting farmers from Texas to South Dakota. These farmers were left with unproductive dirt and unmanageable debt. At the same time the stock market crashed, ushering in the Great Depression. Jobs were scarce and money was kind of worthless. It was a double disaster and millions were affected.
These catastrophes are what led the famous line, “California or Bust!”

It was also at this time that Route 66 became the famous cross-country highway that led to California. Loading up their old jalopies and trucks with their earthly possessions and a “California or Bust” sign on the back, families headed west. For an entire generation the Golden State became greener pastures for millions.
As you prepare for this Sunday, I want you to notice that the last several chapters of the book of Acts are essentially themed around “Rome or Bust!” Paul, the famous missionary church planter and apostle, after seeing churches (Ekklesias) planted throughout the eastern Mediterranean area, was headed back to Jerusalem, the heart of the Jewish world—BUT then he was bound for…
I have continued since winter to ask you to read Acts 8-28 side by side with the letters of 1st & 2nd Corinthians. Acts is the narrative of the movement of Ekklesias planted in Gentile territory, and the Corinthian letters were written to, in this case, one of those specific churches.
So, why Rome? Why is that so important?
You can best prepare for Sunday in two ways:
- A broad read of Acts 23-28—6 chapters. And take note of the destination—“Rome or Bust”—that you see happening and consider why this is so important.
- As a more specific read, take a look at these verses and see how they apply to “Rome or Bust” and why:
Paul making his ultimate destination Rome is an extremely important theme that deserves attention. Making our designation the “Rome” in our lives is one of the great challenges that every member of the Body of Christ needs to look at.
See you Sunday morning at 10 a.m.