In January 1925, Nome Alaska was very, very cold! Now this should be of no surprise to anyone as Nome is that little Arctic town that sits out near the Bering Sea and essentially looks across to the far East tip of Russia. It is a native Alaskan settlement that expanded a great deal in the early 20th century due to the gold rush and other economic reasons. But a crisis had emerged in this Arctic village. And it is exacerbated by the fact that it was about 1000 miles from the city of Anchorage and any of nearest roads and it was the dead of winter. Airplanes were new in the world but a few could fly there except that desperately bad Arctic winter weather shut any possibility of this down. The ocean was totally frozen so no ship could arrive. Temperatures was at deep sub-zero levels. Nome was in a crisis and needed help! Why? The children of Nome, Alaska were dying. They had a diphtheria infection that was spreading wildly and every day saw new cases. The local doctor feared that an epidemic would put the entire population of 1400 souls in danger of death. He ordered a quarantine on the town but also knew well that an antitoxin serum was the path to hold off the fast-spreading deadly disease. But this serum was in Anchorage and 1000 miles away. The closest train stop to Nome was in Nenana, Alaska 674 miles away! An impossible and desperate situation.
On the night of January 27, 1925, a dog musher named “Wild Bill” Shannon tied a 20-pound package of serum wrapped in protective fur and set off on a sled pulled by 9 trained dogs. It was the only possibility to bring a rescue to Nome. He and the dog sled team crossed the frozen tundra over those 674 miles and arrived in Nome to save lives with the serum. This is the short history of what is now remembered annually in what is known as the Iditarod Dog Sled Race every winter in Alaska. It was known as the “Great Race of Mercy” as Wild Bill and his dogs relayed with other dog sledders along the route as they brought healing to Nome in the dead of winter.
This Sunday we will focus our attention once again on Romans 10. I ask you to read that chapter again this week and especially focus on Romans 10:14-21. The whole series we have called “The Gospel Truth” and we need to make sure we see the desperate need for the delivery of the Gospel to a world that cannot and will not find an answer except in the Gospel alone! “Wild Bill” Shannon the dog musher brought a rescue across the frozen tundra. Jesus Christ brought the only answer to the world in desperation across the vastness of the universe down to earth. Now we as Believers are the ones who deliver the message! We get to be part of the great rescue of God. Look carefully at Romans 10:15 as Paul quotes Isaiah 52:7… as it says “how beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News – the Gospel!”
See you Sunday morning as we study together.