Origins, Part 1
What you believe about the origins of all things will affect everything about the way you live. … Genesis 1 really is the very strong foundation to understanding of the entirety of the whole story of God, from the beginning of scripture all the way to the end.
20/20 Vision for LifeWay
The world’s falling apart, but God’s Word has always been true in this: if you will rely on the strength of God through the moments that you feel the most down, this is the time when you strengthen your tent curtains. You widen them. You don’t hold back; you strengthen the cords. You lengthen the stakes. Because God will then use you to inhabit the desolate cities — the broken lives of the world around us — and we will not stop doing that.
I Resolve To…
The only way we can actually grow and succeed in our lives is to fully depend on God’s strength in us. We can only work hard and disciplined out of the Holy Spirit’s strength inside of us. It’s a strength he gives us. And as followers of Jesus, we are supposed to work hard and disciplined for the sake of the gospel. … January is a time for hard work — a time to restart in our daily devotionals, or…
Fulfilled, Part 5: The Book of Immanuel — God With Us
“They were panicking. They were in fear and insecurity. They were looking for help and a rescuer. … God says, ‘I’m going to fulfill my promises, much as I did with Abraham, with Moses, and in the time of King David. We’re not done yet. Stand with God!’ And how is it going to happen? When will this rescue take place? Look for the sign. The sign is a virgin … that young woman will bear a child, and that…
Fulfilled, Part 4: Cornerstone
Three times [in 1 Peter chapter 2] Peter uses the word “precious” to describe Jesus. But to many, in that world and in ours, Jesus is not precious at all. Ultimately, you can’t tell the value of something just by checking popular opinion. The world was wrong about Jesus 2,000 years ago, and much of the world is still wrong about him today. You cannot be neutral about Jesus. He is either your living cornerstone, or he is your stumbling…
Fulfilled, Part 3: Son of Man
If you don’t grasp [Jesus as the Son of Man], live that, and let it seep into your soul, you will miss the power of the fulfillment of God’s design, that the utter dominion and authority, and power and structure is completely and totally found in this Jesus. — Pastor Billy Arnold
Fulfilled, Part 2: The Suffering Servant Fulfilled
Christ, even while he was alive on this earth, taught those earliest disciples: “I am not a mistake out of thin air. I’m not just an appearance for this time being. God has been planning this all along, and Isaiah the Prophet spoke of it: I am the answer to not only the enemy at the gates of the Roman Empire, but I am here to answer the enemy at the gates of your soul. I am the fulfillment of…
Fulfilled, Part 1: The Anointed One Identified
As a preacher, [Jesus] is going to promise God’s presence. (This is from the perspective of Isaiah.) As the Messiah, he’s going to reinstate God’s righteousness in the world. And as a servant, he’s going to deal with the problem of sin. Now, Isaiah doesn’t understand how he’s going to do all of that yet, but he knows this is going to happen, that he’s got a promise — that’s what [Isaiah] is saying in this particular passage of scripture.…
Giving Thanks in Everything
It’s really easy for us, as Christians, to fall into that mindset that the world has, that is based on circumstances. We spend entire periods of our life waiting for circumstances to change so that we can be happy again. . . . When your heart and your mindset is set on waiting for your circumstances to change, it should lead you to ask at some point: What really, truly, is my hope in? In good circumstances, or in Jesus?…
The Outward Focused Church, Part 6: GIC Commitment Service
Billy Arnold is nothing. He’s just the holder of a key. But it’s an incredible key. It’s an unbelievable key that unlocks the truth of people’s lives, that allows the prisoners to be set free. [Jesus] says, “I’m going to give [the key] to the church.” And who’s the church? We are. … Jesus handed the message of himself over to the church body; and therefore, the church body, every one of us, learns how to say, “How does God…
The Outward Focused Church, Part 5: God and You
God designed you specifically to be a vital part of what His plan was in this world. God has uniquely fitted you for something that’s bigger — and it’s not something that you get to dream up; it’s something God originally designed, which becomes very much a part of who you really are. — Billy Arnold
The Outward Focused Church, Part 4: God and His Church
From Jerusalem to Judea to Samaria to the ends of the earth—that’s where the Church is designed to be. And as we refocus on God’s agenda and his mission, that he has given to his Church, we become his instrument to fulfill his ultimate purpose—and that is to draw worshipers to himself from all over the world. See, local/global evangelism is the task of the Church. It is the primary task of the Church. — Don Turner
The Outward Focused Church, Part 2: God and His Mission
At the end of time, when all of this is done, there’s a picture of a day in which all of the redeemed from all of the ages will surround the throne, and we’ll begin to sing. And the Bible says that we’ll sing a new song. … It’s not going to be about our need, or even about His provision, except in this sense — of what He provided in the person of Jesus Christ, who was the Lamb…
The Outward Focused Church, Part 1: An Introduction
We don’t have a seating capacity problem; we have a sending capacity problem. … We have—in the church today, worldwide—9,000 times more manpower and 3,000 times more money than we need to fulfill the Great Commission TODAY. Where is it? We’re it! It’s sitting in chairs and pews in churches all over the world, waiting for somebody to mobilize it—waiting for somebody to come along and say, “Let’s turn our eyes off ourselves and put it on the harvest field!”…
LAUNCH, Part 5: The Challenges of the Church (Acts 5-7)
I have learned that every church that chooses to truly try to do the will of God is going to face serious challenges. If you want things to go well and “kumbayah” forever, then don’t get serious about the work of God. — Billy Arnold
LAUNCH, Part 4: The Boldness of the Church (Acts 3 & 4)
Boldness comes from connecting the dots. … We are the most forgetful people on the planet. We forget what happened last week! We get so busy with life and we fill our life with noise so much that we never stop and examine: what has God done? Boldness comes from walking on a journey with God and seeing what he does, highlighting that, and saying, “My life is built on this spot!” That’s exactly what Peter is doing in this…
LAUNCH, Part 3: The Ideal Church
God has not changed his idea about the community of faith; we will be challenged on every front to be that community, that makes a difference to bring the gospel to the world. — Billy Arnold
LAUNCH, Part 2: The Power of the Church
Unholy hands — undeserved people, reckless and destructive humanity — put to death the holy One of God, this Messiah. … They unknowingly fulfilled a divine plan of God – and that divine plan of God broke the power of sin and death. Peter says, essentially, that this was a reverse courtroom judgment. Jesus himself stood on trial. The court around Jesus says, “Guilty! Hang him! Crucify him! He’s not worthy to live!” They put him on the cross. What…
LAUNCH: The Beginning of the Church (Part 1)
“Missions is not a program. It’s a purpose. It’s why we exist. … You and I won’t physically be here forever. I get that. But we are commissioned as a church body to say, are we ready to fulfill what God has called this church to do, or not? Are we ready to bring the power of the gospel to a broken world?” — Billy Arnold
Citizens Part 4: The Power of a Citizen (Billy Arnold)
“Discontent is what often motivates humans without Christ, and discontent leads to bondage, and bondage leads to misery. It is only in Christ that you have a new citizenship that brings you a new power that no matter what your circumstances you can say I’m useful- God is doing something.” – Billy Arnold
Citizens Part 3: Faith Becoming a Citizen
“It’s not about our ability to be perfect, but it’s about pointing to Jesus who is perfect.” – Kevin P
Citizens, Part 2: The Mindset of Citizens (Matt Kieswether)
“Have you sought unity with other believers by seeking the mind of Christ — by seeking the heart of God on these issues — to try and discern what his will is for us? And in doing that, have you found other believers doing the same thing, and found unity with them? … Are you actively looking to humble yourself by serving others, just as Christ has done for us?” — Matt Kieswether
Citizens, Part 1: Conduct Becoming of Citizens (Tim Howe)
“Be a meaningful co-laborer. The Apostle Paul says ‘striving together,’ and the idea of that means several things. First of all, that we’re in unity, that we’re working with each other — that where you have strength, I have weakness, and we can patch over those things. But it’s also this idea that you’re doing it together. … I know that there are things in this church that need to be done. If you haven’t found your niche yet, look…