Sermon Archive (Page 10)

Sermon Archive (Page 10)

The Good Shepherd

There is a good shepherd who wants to lead your life. He’s not the hired hand. He will not abandon you. He will not forsake you. And he’s waiting for you to listen to his voice and follow him through everything. Why? Because, he says, “I am the gatekeeper. I am the good shepherd, the perfect shepherd who protects your soul.” BILLY ARNOLD Download the discussion guide

The Persistent Widow

God’s Divine Delay:God says, ‘I have something for you and I will bring this on to you.’… God doesn’t delay because, ‘You don’t deserve it! You go home and be a better person!’ He divinely delays so we can grow in our trust and our faith…our trust in the eternal, heavenly Creator Father. BILLY ARNOLD Download the discussion guide

Fishing Net

I must remain alert at all times to the irrevocable and irretrievable finality of my life. But in the middle of that…is the fact that [the end] will come when God says there’s a completeness to it all—there’s a completeness to the parable of the fisherman that says, “We’re done fishing! We’re done! The nets are full!” BILLY ARNOLD Download the discussion guide

Multiply, Take 2 (Part 2)

So what does the story of Gideon have to do with LifeWay? What does it have to do with Multiply and our resources?  Well, I think that as we consider our resources as followers of Jesus, we have to remember that, whether we have a lot or a little to offer, nothing good happens unless God makes it happen. Heather Althoff

Multiply, Take 2 (Part 1)

I think this story is important because it relates a fundamental truth about our resources —whether they’re scarce or plentiful: The purpose of our resources is not our comfort. It’s not our glory. It’s not even necessarily our survival. The purpose of our resources is to reveal God to this world and to glorify Him. Amy Parodi

Jonah and Justice

There is no real justice unless it is found at the foot of the cross. … I can only find justice at the foot of the cross. I can only find reconciliation when I bring others to the foot of the cross as well.” Billy Arnold

Duty of Care (Part 4)

The only answer we have is Jesus Christ. And the power we have as a person is not just the power of a Facebook post; it’s a life of influence in prayer.

Duty of Care (Part 3)

I want you to truly develop a prayer list that is very specific. Jesus prayed for today, then he prayed for himself, and then he prayed for his first round of disciples that were in his personal care. Billy Arnold

Duty of Care (Part 1)

All of history has been pointing to this moment—literally, since the creation of the universe, has brought us to this moment. And now in his own duty of care, [Jesus] turns his attention to the Father…and he says: The time is coming…it has now arrived. Take heart; I have overcome the world. –Billy Arnold

Epic Savior (Epic, Part 4)

The found are just like the lost in that we are both undeserved…but the one huge difference is they’ve accepted in and opened their heart to the grace of God, who can literally fill and restore their relationship with the creator God of the universe. And how is that done? Through the one…The one is God’s epic finale, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Epic Future (Epic, Part 3)

Full maturity is confidence that leads to patience, that leads us to endurance, that leads us to consistency in life, that leads us to dead-on, heavy-duty maturity. — Pastor Billy Arnold

Epic Family (Epic, Part 2)

When you come to faith in Christ, you are reborn—you are brought in—to become a child of God. The creation of God becomes a child of God when you are adopted in, and regenerated and restored. — Pastor Billy Arnold

Epic Pardon (Epic, Part 1 — Easter Sunday)

The reason this epic story is real is because it reaches back to the core of what each one of us knows that we are. We are created to be in the image of God, and yet we’ve lost it. And God sent an answer to restore that image-bearing part of our lives. It’s epic because it’s a part of God’s forever story. — Pastor Billy Arnold

Living Under the Shadow of the Almighty, Part 2

Use this as an opportunity to grow. Develop your character. Let your personal life be shaped in a whole that way by depth that you could have never [otherwise] experienced. … This is the perfect moment, if you abide in Christ.

Multiply, Part 1: Small Resources

God has called us to invest whatever it is that we have into something that becomes productive. Something that becomes green. Something that becomes eternal. … The tragedy is when we just waste it away, out of fear of failure. You cannot fail when you’re investing in the things of God.

Uncharted Territory, Part 9: The Church Crosses the Divide into Uncharted Territory

Uncharted Territory, Part 9: The Church Crosses the Divide into Uncharted Territory An ambassador is the greatest job in the world. To represent your country… This is the greatest job that we have, because we represent the King of kings and Lord of lords, the One and Only, there is no other. It is not to be shared in any way. We are ambassadors in that. And we are a unified Body — as a church, and you as an individual.…