Blog (Page 15)

Blog (Page 15)

From Fishermen of Fish to Fishermen of Men

Do you know what are walking, swimming and camping? They are the top three most popular recreations in our country, in that order. If you got that right, then do you know what came in 4th place? The correct answer is fishing. Even though fishing did not make it into the top three most popular recreations in our country, it is more popular than cycling, bowling, golf, skiing, even jogging. As a matter of fact, fishing is more popular than…

How Am I Reacting to the National News Right Now?

I went to bed last night and then woke up this morning, like so many of you, pretty heavy-hearted about the state of our nation, state, region and world. Much like many of you, I certainly have reflected on the state of affairs and my reaction to them. These words reflect some of my sentiments: Frustration. Embarrassment. Shame. Anger. No surprise to most of you, I am a pretty conservative person, personally and politically. But having friends around the world…

A Most Special Relationship Under Scrutiny

Back in September, Billy launched a comprehensive five-year Sunday morning teaching plan. For the next five years, he has committed himself to teach us how to read the Bible for ourselves, and to catch the deeper theologies of our God. At the end of five years, it is his hope that each one of us at LifeWay would mature in our ability to take what we read in the Bible to direct how we think and do, no matter what…

Entering LifeWay Church Through One of Three Doors

Someone I have known a long time asked me the other day, “Is your church meeting yet?”   It’s not an uncommon question these days. I even had a local pastor friend ask me the same question when I saw him at Costco.  In turn, he told me what his church is doing in these unprecedented days. Here’s my answer to both them, and a reminder to you: Our church has never closed! Yes, indeed—we are open, and will remain open…

Can Things Be New in the New Year?

Most everyone is ready to turn the calendar over to 2021. But we also know well that just turning over a date does not make all things new. I don’t mean to be a downer. But here’s what I do know about making all things new: it doesn’t come from turning over a calendar page, or watching the clock strike midnight on December 31. It comes from a life in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the…

Proclaiming to the World Who He Is

“Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised. I have seen you salvation which you have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel.” Luke 2:29 The passage above is the amazing proclamation of a man named Simeon. Luke chapter 2 tells his story. Read Simeon’s words in Luke 2 for yourself over the Christmas weekend. This elderly man had…

Do You Know Him as King?

The Wise Men in the Christmas story had a question. “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:2) We know these historical figures well. Many of us have the wise men in our Nativity sets, on our desks or even in our front yards. Who were these guys, really?  How do they really play into the storyline of God’s gift of Jesus to the world? What did their question really mean? Let’s consider it…

In Praise of the Ordinary

I’ve been thinking a lot about donkeys lately.  I know.  You wouldn’t be the first to call me quirky. But, to continue the thought: donkeys are hardy, strong, low-maintenance creatures, and are able to thrive in many inhospitable climates and terrains.  They are excellent pack animals, and even to this day, are used in many countries to transport people, essential goods and even armaments in environments that are inaccessible to modern vehicles. Have you ever given any thought to how…

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” is a classic Christmas song that is solemn and powerful. It was written 1200 years ago during the Middle Ages, in a religious monastery. The first lyrics were in Latin: Veni, veni, Emmanuel. Musically played and sung in a minor key, it’s almost as if the darkness of night is brought to life when you hear and sing this song. You can almost feel a longing and anticipation that light will eventually come, even though…

A Conversation About Having Faith in God

If I were to ask you to define what is having faith in God, what would you say? If you were to make a new friend while shopping at Fred Meyer, and you were to say to him you are a Christian, how would you explain that to him? The Bible says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” What goes on…

Did You Know Jesus Came for All Nations?

When you picture Jesus in your mind’s eye, what do you see?  I asked this question last week. This week holds the next challenging question: Is Jesus a cultural figure for only one part of the world? This Sunday we will study Isaiah 49, a prophecy of the coming of the Messiah—the birth of Jesus. It is a prophetic passage that tells us who the Messiah is, and who in the world his message is really for.  The passage talks…

Where There is Hope There is Life

The pandemic seems to have a spawned a certain number of apocalyptic memes. The Bible is unique among religious manuscripts in that it presents a complete and orderly timeline of events, beginning with the creation of the earth and ending with its dissolution. When Earth ceases to exist, what will remain? According to 1 Corinthians 13:13, that would be faith, hope and love. Of all that exists, why are these three things so essential that they should outlast creation as…

Biblical Hope

According to the Chinese zodiac, 2020 is the Year of the Rat. And according to Chinese superstition, the rat symbolizes new beginnings, fertility, wealth and plenty. Once every twelve years, the Year of the Rat promises to bring beneficial situations, opportunities, encounters with special people, and luck. But I don’t suppose I need to tell you 2020 has turned out to be anything but those things. We still have a few weeks left to go, but I think we are…

Did You Know?

2020 Advent & Christmas Season Sermons at LifeWay What comes to mind when you think about Jesus? What picture or image or even famous painting comes into your head? Images are extremely powerful and lasting. In every one of our lives there will be a few powerful images that emerge from our past experiences that we can never shake—some of them extremely positive, and some, in the opposite way, highly terrifying.  What is the image that you see when I…

Give Thanks? How?

Give thanks???? How? In the middle of this world mess? One of the famous true stories that emerged out of the World War II years is of Corrie Ten Boom. Some of you have been inspired by her most famous biographical book, The Hiding Place, or by the movie of the same title. For those who are not familiar, let me give you a highly condensed overview. Corrie Ten Boom’s parents were dedicated Christ followers in the Netherlands when Germany…

One Day at a Time, Sweet Jesus

I know by now you have all heard of our state government’s recent shutdown of indoor restaurants, workout centers, and public gatherings as we move closer to the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. This, of course, concerns me for the sake of the many local businesses and the families it affects. I am certainly concerned as well about the spread of COVID-19 and increasing infections. But I am here to address what this means for us here at LifeWay Church, and…

Longing for God

What does it mean for us as Christians to long for God? Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst” ( John 6:35). This is a perfect example of how we need to further our relationship with God. Longing for God is having a hunger and thirst to get to know him and to live a life according to his will.…

Partnering With the World

Are you ready for your commitment? This whole week we have focused on ways that we are invited by the Almighty God of the universe to partner with him in his work. A Christian leader a while back famously said, “Find out what God is doing, and then join him.” The beauty of this truth is that we actually do get to join God in his incredible work. He offers this partnership to his people (you and me), but are…

Saying Grace

“I coulda been a contender,” a grimacing Marlon Brando laments in the iconic scene in the film On the Waterfront. I actually am a contender. No, really! Let me explain. The Christian college I attended has a tradition in which a name, Bible verse and hymn is selected for each incoming class. My class name is the “Contenders,” our hymn “Fight the good fight,” and our verse is Jude verse 3: …contend for the faith that was once for all…

A Quick Word from Billy about the GIC

A decade ago, LifeWay Church felt led by God to make a major shift in the reason for our existence. We committed to remaking ourselves into becoming… An equipping and sending church A going church A Great Commission church A missions church In 2012, we started what has become the most important week in the life of our church calendar: the GLOBAL IMPACT CELEBRATION (GIC). Since 2012, for every GIC we have invited guest missionary workers from around the world…

A Test

Today I am giving you a test on “The Book of Jesus”! A test?! A test of what? Well, it’s a test of your theology and doctrine. Everyone’s life is built on theology and doctrine. You may wonder why I say this, because so many people don’t really have a belief in God and a trust in scripture. Do even those people have a theology and doctrine in their life? The answer: yes—as everyone believes in something. Everyone has a “god”…

Darling of Heaven Crucified

By the time our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, the Romans had already been putting people on the cross for a while. But the Romans were hardly the first ones to use crucifixion to punish the hardest criminals. Studies show there were crucifixions dating back to as early as 500 B.C. when King Darius I of Persia crucified 3,000 of his enemies in Babylon. Some may have been even earlier. Even though the Romans did not come up with the…


This fall I have walked us, Sunday by Sunday, through the major theological and doctrinal truths of scripture that point us toward the story of Jesus. This Sunday, November 1, we will focus in on one of the most significant and historically memorable events in the Old Testament out of the book of Exodus: the Passover. Why the Passover story in a series called, “The Book of Jesus”?  Because you cannot fully grasp the central truth of Jesus Christ until…

Surrender is Not About Surrender

His queen is bearing down on my defenseless king. I know it. He knows it. It’s my turn and I have no meaningful options, except to delay the inevitable. So what will I do? Offer a draw? Resign? Never. I logout. I don’t like the word, “surrender,” and I don’t think many of you do, too. The word gives off a message of admitting defeat. After all, isn’t it a battle term? When we sense an imminent defeat, and we…

Repairing What’s Broken: How to be a Relationship Mechanic

You know that sinking feeling you have when you’re driving, and your car starts making a funny sound? That sound signals something broken that’s now going to cost money and time to fix. But you take the car to the shop because the car is valuable to you. You need it to be repaired, so you pay the money. You take the time. That same sinking feeling when you are in conflict with someone you care about signals that something…