Many of us like to use the first of the new year to make some pronouncements and resolutions about what we are going to do differently and improve on. Certainly, issues of exercise, health, weight control, and money on common on this list. But we often make declarations of reading our Bible more effectively in the new year. I wanted to briefly give you a little direction on this one. I can’t really tell you how to control your weight (just look at me!) but I do have some basic details on how to help you read your Bible in a new way that can really help you. I have written booklets for our church in the past and I may try to make them available for you if you want them but let me just share a simple pattern that has been helpful to me.
Read your Bible in four locations 3-5 days a week:
- Old Testament: One chapter at a time (I would begin in Genesis and work from there. It’s a lengthy but fun journey)
- Gospel Story: Begin in Matthew and work through all four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John). But instead of a full chapter, just read a story or section. It’s okay to go slow, in fact I think it’s better!
- New Testament (past the Gospels): Start in Acts and work your way to the end. Ideally either one chapter at a time or one section at a time.
- Psalms (then Proverbs) A chapter of Psalms worship to finish your reading time for the day.
The goal is NOT to read the Bible through in a years’ time. There’s nothing at all wrong with reading it through in a year, but my greatest desire is to help you become a reader of God’s Word for your life far more than just a reader for one year.
Bottom line is… You cannot grow strong without God’s Word being planted in your hearts! Read, ruminate, discuss, meditate, and let’s God’s Word penetrate your soul.
Happy New Year

Fall 2024