Last week I simply said to take a few days and read the short, but very pointed, Old Testament book of Habakkuk. It reads like a headline out of today’s news.
This week I would encourage you to read another Old Testament book that also reads as breaking news in our times. Joel 1:2 says simply, “Has anything like this ever happened in your days or in the days of your forefathers???”
Let the book of Joel be a special read for you this week. Only 3 chapters long, it could be easily read in a few minutes. Let God’s Word out of this minor-prophet book speak to you and speak to our times. Let it warn you, instruct you, and encourage you. In your own Bible, underline those lines from Joel that speak directly to…
- Warning: What is God warning us about our current world condition?
- Instruction: What is God teaching me about how to act and react to crumbling crisis in my society and my own personal life?
- Encouragement: If I keep focused on God’s truth instead of the circumstances around me, what does God promise? (Joel 2:25 is my personal favorite.)
Make Joel a special part of your life. This is God’s front-page news.