As you get ready for this coming Easter Sunday, I ask you to do four things.
- Make sure you have spent time in the daily Passion Week devotionals. These videos are about 5 minutes long and feature seven LifeWay leaders who have spent time reflecting on the deeper meaning of Jesus’ last words on the cross. We began these devotionals last Sunday, and they will finish on Saturday this week. They are powerful.
- Read the Easter story on your own:
- Pray about who you might invite on Easter. Obviously, the Easter service will be live and in person, and I encourage you and your guests to physically join us at LifeWay. But you also can invite someone to join online. I will be laying out the same challenge presented on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, after Peter delivered the gospel story: when the crowd heard his message, they asked, “What must we now do?”
- Keep the sermon notes from Easter Sunday for personal use. The sermon message will essentially be the Easter story—which is the full gospel story of God’s rescue plan for all humanity. The message will be laid out in a way that can be a wonderful tool for each of us to know how to tell God’s story to others.
Jesus Christ is risen! See you on Resurrection Sunday morning.