I know by now you have all heard of our state government’s recent shutdown of indoor restaurants, workout centers, and public gatherings as we move closer to the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. This, of course, concerns me for the sake of the many local businesses and the families it affects. I am certainly concerned as well about the spread of COVID-19 and increasing infections. But I am here to address what this means for us here at LifeWay Church, and how it might affect any gathering that we do as a church.
What are we going to do? How are we reacting?
Frequently, in phone calls with my mom as she has tried to figure out how to react to the world situation, we have jokingly said that the only thing we can do is live by the theme of an old country gospel song:
One day at a time, sweet Jesus.
That’s all I’m asking to do.
I’m not a huge fan of the actual tune (it’s a little to country hick even for me!), but the theme is appropriate. We take it one day and one week at a time.
The latest government mandate allows churches to continue to meet in person, at their property, with 25% capacity, keeping the safe protocols in place that we have already been following for many weeks. The only change is that they request the congregational singing to be halted, and for worship leading to consist of one soloist and one accompanist, not a full worship team.
What is LifeWay going to do? We will comply. Months ago, we created what we call, “3 Doors into LifeWay Church,” and there is nothing about these restrictions that would close any of those doors:
1: Watch online only.
2: Join a (very) small group.
3: Join us inside the building.
The only one of those three doors that might be in question is the in-home gathering—but technically, this is a home church group, and those groups have been meeting together regularly in safety. They are not unfamiliar with each other. We are not encouraging any new home groups to begin meeting in person right now.
But no matter what, the service is streamed online, and all of us can participate and have no excuse to join in LifeWay’s Sunday gathering for worship. For now, we have our three doors into LifeWay. We will keep services safe and healthy and available for our community and for you.
What About the Holidays?
So what does this do for Thanksgiving, the Advent season and Christmas?
Honestly, we are going to take this one week at a time (keep in mind the song). The news and narratives are changing quickly. Technically, the government mandates are currently issued through December 14. We certainly don’t know if they will go back at that time or be extended into the new year.
What I do know that Christmas Eve is such a musical time, and the thought of having a Christmas Eve service and not joyfully singing “O Come all Ye Faithful,” “Joy to the World,” “O Holy Night,” and “Silent Night” just baffles me. Stay tuned…and we will see what December brings.
LifeWay’s Plan for Thanksgiving Worship this Sunday
Originally back in January, we were going to dedicate this Sunday, November 22, as our annual Thanksgiving worship celebration for the whole church family. We were going to all come together, have a Thanksgiving message (courtesy this year of Alvin Lin), have a great musical worship time, have a wonderful time of sharing with one another with thankful hearts, and finish it all with a big church family meal!
At the beginning of 2020 this is what was on my church calendar. Wow…what changes the year has made. Well, we can all see how that’s turned out.
So this Sunday, November 22…
- We will not eat together.
- We will not invite the whole congregation together.
(Although you are still welcome to join us at LifeWay on Sunday morning.) - We will not fill the room with people and food.
(Who would have ever dreamed this would have happened!)
But we will worship together and be thankful. We will have a Thanksgiving message, worship God, and thank him for all things.
Next week, I am writing a message—and bringing you a short video message before Thanksgiving Day—about how can we be thankful to our Almighty God for all his blessings, even in the middle of the most bizarre year that any of us have ever known.
But I am asking that you join us this coming Sunday morning—NOT for a huge Thanksgiving meal with your church family, but instead through one of our 3 doors—and use this service as a time to prepare your hearts for thankfulness.
(By the way: it is already on my calendar that next year at this time, we WILL do all the things that we can’t do this year!)
See you this coming Sunday morning at 10 a.m. through one of our doors.