We have a ‘lost and found’ box in the church lobby. You might think at first glance that there are many different kinds of items in this ‘lost and found’ box. Bibles are the most common. But there are hats, gloves, glasses, notebooks, coats, umbrellas, and plenty of other common items that get left behind with no name on them and are unclaimed. But if you really think about it, there are only two kinds of items… there are LOST items that are waiting to be FOUND items. If it’s LOST and left behind, then it goes in the box. If someone comes to claim it then that item is now FOUND and goes home with the owner. Seems like a silly illustration, but it’s interesting to me that we call it either LOST — or FOUND. Only two designations. It’s one or the other, right?
This is a truth that is laid out in Romans 8. There are ONLY two kinds of people in the world… LOST or the FOUND. We like to lay out lots of other designations but this is the real distinction between the two. As we study and understand Romans 8 we find an indicative truth that can for sure be ours. When we are IN CHRIST we are FOUND. We have a home. We have a Father. We are adopted in, grafted in, adopted into the family and now an heir, and we are eternally secure forever.
As you prepare for this coming Sunday morning I would ask you to read Romans 8:12-17 which is our focus. Go ahead and read again all of Romans 8 too, as it tells us the Gospel Truth about what is true for us as we are “In Christ.” We are no longer Lost… we are Found.
See you Sunday morning