Knowing God: The God of REST
When was the last time you thought to yourself… “I need a break!! I need some REST!… I need a VACATION!” If you are like me, when those cruise ship brochures come in the mail, or those vacation sales to nice warm sunny beaches arrive in my e-mail box, I like to look and dream a little. I think to myself how nice that would be to just relax with no cares and enjoy a different location with no responsibilities. On this trip there would be someone to take care of my needs, someone to cook my meals, someone to make my bed, and no alarm to get me up for the job and its long list of task to fulfill, problems to solve, and responsibilities to live up to.
That sounds pretty good doesn’t it? Should we get on that cruise ship?
This coming Sunday morning I’m going to be teaching on Hebrews 4:1-13. This passage is famous for talking through Knowing God through a Sabbath rest that is promised to us. Please remember the outline that I’ve been teaching you each week on how you study the book of Hebrews.
(1) The theological truth that comes to us from the Old Testament
(2) How Jesus is superior and Lord over this
(3) And then the warnings and encouragement that comes with the responsibility of knowing this truth
I need to convince almost none of you the need for rest, the kind of rest that we get from a vacation or a trip away from the mainstream of our daily life. Most of us are tired, spent, exhausted, overwhelmed, overworked, and at the end of our energy. Much of the time we are voicing a complaint to God that sound like… “God you promised me some REST! Why can’t I get it?” And, you actually might need a vacation! But I know for a fact that I need to show you what real rest is in this scripture. This study in our book of Hebrews as we come to know God and who he really is includes in this incredible truth that we so badly miss most of the time, and that is what a real SABBATH REST is and how it can truly change everything about the way you walk with God.
I cannot wait to see you Sunday morning. Come having read and contemplated on Hebrews 4:1-13.