Jesus’s Promise of Rest

Jesus’s Promise of Rest

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?  Have you ever wondered what Jesus is referring to when he promises us Rest in Matthew 11?  He says “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”   

Are you weary?  Are the burdens of life weighing you down?  I have to admit that I feel that pressure sometimes – ok, really a lot of times.  There are pressures of work, family dynamics, finances, school, relationships – and then the more external worries like war, politics, etc.  There is no shortage of factors that can make us feel weary and burdened.  But Jesus promises us that He will give us rest.  What does that mean?  We will unpack this more on Sunday, but I believe Jesus is talking about an eternal rest – similar to the living water he offers the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well – Jesus is offering us an eternity in peace and rest with Him.  But, there are strings attached!  The rest is an outcome of coming to Him – leaning on the power and strength of the Lord Jesus Christ.  That is when we will find true rest.

Anne Wilson wrote a song called “My Jesus” – and these words are a great summarization of this promise. 

 Are you past the point of weary?  Is your burden weighing heavy?  Is it all too much to carry?  Let me tell you about my Jesus!

Take time to reflect on Matthew 11:28-30 this week and be prepared to unpack the wonderful truths found in this Promise of God on Sunday.  See you then!

Chris Berry