When the Seattle Seahawks have their season opener this coming September at Lumen Field, everyone in the downtown region will know there is a game about to happen because the Seahawk blue jerseys, shirts, hats, and even face paint will be everywhere! The shouts from the crowds of thousands of people who were all strangers to one another just an hour before, are now all yelling in unison — “SEA —- HAWKS!” They are all high fiving one another and treating one another like best friends who all went to High School together. Why?? Is it because they all love the same music? Is it because they all agree on who they will vote for in the next election? That’s certainly not true. It’s because the crowd in unison all together are Seahawk fans — at least for this one Sunday afternoon, and it is Game Day at Seahawk stadium.
So our logical conclusion is that If we are all for the Seahawks, who can be against us! Right? No one can defeat us! We are all part of the “12th man” and together we are doing our part so that no other team can beat us, right? Not the Chiefs or the Forty Niners or the Cowboys… NOBODY!
This Sunday we are going to take the last few verses of Romans 8 and walk through the most triumphant passage, often referred to as “The Believers Triumph” or “The Believers Victory.” Before you come Sunday morning read through Romans 8:31-39. It is one of the most inspiring truths in all the Bible, and it begins with that line in verse 31… “If God is for us, who can be against us.” Last Sunday was Easter and we tried to point out the historical story of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection and why this part of the Jesus’ story is the ultimate game changer. It is our belief and trust in this truth about Jesus that allows us to truly know that nothing else in all creation can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:39). Victory is real. Victory is certain. Victory is complete. Victory is secure. Not because we are just cheering for the right team, but because Jesus Christ has won the war.
See you Sunday morning as we unpack this amazing passage.