I wrote my first blog post about COVID last May when I was struggling to find peace amidst my anxiety about contributing to the spread. Much time has passed, and this COVID rollercoaster (COVID-coaster?) has taken me through many highs and lows. I’m so thankful for all that we’ve learned about how to navigate life within the pandemic. I’m thankful that God has given us the ability to adjust to challenging circumstances. All the loss that grieved me so heavily in the beginning was unbearable. It pushed me to lean on the fact that God makes things new. It’s in his nature to do it. He says it in his Word.
Isaiah 43:19 (NLT) “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”
Isaiah 42:9 (NIV) “See the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being, I announce them to you.”
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!
You see newness in nature as every night is followed by a new day; as every Spring yields new flowers and fruit and animals; as every day, somewhere the land moves to create space for lava to make new land.
Newness is in the nature of God, so as I was faced with the end of so much, I searched for the new things in my life that would give my heart hope for better days ahead. Tapping into hope means tapping into the creative part of me. God is the Creator. Anything original comes from him. Satan can’t create; he can only copy. In Genesis, God delighted in creating. He made the day and night, land and sea, plants and animals. And then made us in his image! He put the delight of creating within us. When I create things, it shifts my spirit from looking at limits to possibilities.
This summer, I painted a room for the first time. It was exciting to look at all our options and imagine what it could look like, and then choose a color and change the room. Recently, I’ve picked back up crocheting and I’ve got a floor pillow and rug planned. I’ve also started making bento lunches for my family. It’s been fun to think of different things to make and how to make them look colorful and appetizing. My kids have coded computer programs; my husband has made wood projects. One thing COVID has taught me is that creating is vital to my life.
I encourage you to also plan and dream and create in these weird COVID times. It’s part of keeping the hope of Christ alive in our hearts.
Lord, we praise you for being the Creator! Thank you for putting your delight of creating within us. Help us to hold on to hope and look for the new things you are doing in our lives. We look forward to seeing you one day. Give us strength to endure life on earth until that glorious day comes.

Savina Steimlosk was born and raised in Hawaii, where she met and married her husband, Barry. They have lived in Washington for the past 10 years and have called LifeWay their home church for 6 years. They have two beautiful daughters, Elena (9) and Emily (7). Savina loves singing and dancing.