There is nothing is quite as grand and noble in life than GIVING THANKS!
Thanksgiving is such a unique and wonderful American tradition, but as we learned at our Thanksgiving service last Sunday evening, giving thanks is historically not unique to America; it comes out of the tradition that God set up with his covenant people long ago. One of the powerful theological terms that we build our faith on is the word, remember. God says over and over again, take time to remember regularly what God has done—and give thanks. So I want to take a personal moment and give thanks here today.
I Give Thanks to God for my family
Patty and I have been so honored to be part of such a wonderful family. Not only did her parents and my parents raise us to love and revere God, but they gave us a healthy world in which to be raised. We have tried hard to pass that on to our own two children— and our one grandchild who is here now, as well as the two grandchildren that will be coming in 2021! I thank God for a godly wife, as we have been together now for over 43 years. She is a rock in my life and a true partner in God’s journey for me. Thank you, God, for my family!
I Give thanks to God for YOU—my Church Family
To quote Philippians 1:3-5:
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.
How true that is of the LifeWay family who are loving, caring and, most of all, so dedicated to God’s work in the world. I don’t believe we could have asked for a greater church family than this.
I Give Thanks to God for the Opportunities to Serve Him around the world
My wife and I are frequently overwhelmed with the ways we have had such a tremendous chance to be part of some amazing people and places in the world. Our feet are right here in Federal Way, and we love this community, our neighborhood, and the people right here. We feel so blessed to have at least a small chance to make an impact for Christ here. But we have seen God allow us to touch lives around the globe. We have such wonderful friends who are spread in places such as Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, China, Thailand, Russia, Portugal, Egypt, Mexico, Vietnam, Alaska, Canada—and the list goes on. In the modern world of technology, we hear from these friends often. We pray for them regularly. Many of them have come to faith in Christ. Many of them are great witnesses for Christ in those places. Many of them are on a journey of searching. We are thrilled to have had such friends in so many parts of the world. Thank you, God!
I Give Thanks to the Almighty for WHO HE IS!
All it takes for me is to see a sunrise or a sunset that allows me a glimpse at the nature of the Everlasting, Almighty, Eternal Creator God of the Universe. Most humbling of all is to know that this God wants me to be part of his life forever. This is why Jesus came. This is why I put my trust in Jesus.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.