Join us for youth group—Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the main building!
Hey everybody! FUGE Summer Camp is just a short couple of months away and we are so excited to be returning to Turner, Oregon this year! Last year was such a blast floating the river, playing paintball, and above all, worshipping God together with hundreds of other teens in our area! This year camp runs from July 15th through the 20th. Cost of camp is 325$ with at least a 50$ deposit to reserve your spot. Please write checks out to LifeWay Church and on the memo line, write: (FUGE- student name) and turn all payments into Diane in the office. Hurry up and register here or grab a physical copy at the resource Center next to Lil’ Venture. Make sure and do it soon as space is limited! Can’t wait to see you there!
LifeWay Youth Annual Release Form for 2022-23
This form grants permission for youth participation in all of the LifeWay Youth events for the school year (excluding overnight trips, which are handled separately). Parents, please download and print the form (link above), fill it out completely, sign it, and return the signed form to the church.
NOTE: A new release form is required at the beginning of every school year!
Stay Up to Date
Youth ministries at LifeWay Church exist not as separate, isolated ministries, but as an important part of the church body.
We are relationally driven in our friendships and love for one another. We desire to grow deep in our love for Jesus and our knowledge of who he is and then go wide in our efforts to make Jesus known to others.
LifeWay Youth Vision
To be a community of students and adult volunteers committed to loving God and others with our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:36-40).
LifeWay Youth Mission
LifeWay Youth exists as a place for youth to belong, believe in the gospel, and learn to reflect Jesus as they participate in our weekly youth groups, Sunday services, events, and small groups.
Parents and Community
We will strive to be a godly support system to parents. LifeWay Youth is committed to supporting local schools, other youth groups, youth organizations, and various extracurricular and athletic programs that students may be involved in. We believe in a holistic approach to serving and loving the youth of LifeWay and our community.