Do you know what are walking, swimming and camping? They are the top three most popular recreations in our country, in that order. If you got that right, then do you know what came in 4th place? The correct answer is fishing. Even though fishing did not make it into the top three most popular recreations in our country, it is more popular than cycling, bowling, golf, skiing, even jogging. As a matter of fact, fishing is more popular than golf and tennis combined. And for those of you who think that fishing is purely a man’s sport, think again. More than 11 million women would say they love to fish. As a matter of fact, more women fish than play golf, tennis, or even jog. I had some idea many of my fellow Americans love to fish, but I didn’t know we love to fish THIS much. We are a nation full of fishermen!
Many people in the Bible were fishermen. Simon Peter was a fisherman, and so were Andrew, John the son of Zebedee, and his brother John. Some Bible scholars say that at least seven of the twelve disciples might have been fishermen. They fished for fish. Then one day, they stopped. They found Jesus, and they turned into fishing for men. Living in the 21st century, you and I don’t use a phrase like that with each other. But would you believe it if I were to tell you people didn’t use that phrase with each other in the 1st century either? All to say we don’t have a lot of information to help us understand what Jesus meant when he said to Simon, “From now on, you will be catching men.” What do you think Jesus meant by that? Why did God feel it was important for you and me to know what happened that day at that lake? Join us in person or on live stream this Sunday, and let’s come together to worship, and to think together. See you Sunday!
Your Friend,