This Sunday, March 28, starting at 6 p.m., we are having a Foot Washing Service at LifeWay Church. According to John 13, many years ago one day, Jesus got up from the dinner table, took a towel, and began to wash the feet of his disciples, a job performed only by the lowliest house servants in the 1st century. But it was no problem at all for Jesus, the disciples’ Teacher and Lord. He did it so they too may wash one another’s feet as an example of service and humility to each other.
In the same spirit, the leaders of LifeWay would like this opportunity to wash your feet as an example of service and humility to you. You give us a blessing when you come. Everyone in the room will wear masks. The only thing for you to remember is to bring your towel. If you prefer, you may wear shoes and socks that are easy to remove. The service is in-person only, and will not be streamed online.
This is a very unique service, and it is the first Foot Washing Service at LifeWay. I too have not participated in one before. I am looking forward to it very much and I am praying for a very worshipful experience for all. Please come, and join us.