An Update on LifeWay’s Services — Summer 2021
When we went into government-called lockdown in March 2020 (15 months ago!), we were not only in shock a good bit, but like everyone else, we never dreamed this would go on like it has. Within a short time, we created a phrase and a plan, “3 Doors to LifeWay Church,” that helped us all understand how to stay connected both to worship and to the rest of the church family. We never closed the church—and we never will! But we did adjust, for sure.
- One door was to gather with other believers in a home you could visit safely, and streaming the worship service together.
- Another door was to gather in-person in the building—much as we have always done, but with mask protocols, distancing restrictions, and no kids ministry gatherings.
- A third door was to join us individually from your own personal location, while streaming the service.
All three doors have provided legitimate ways for us to meet. We have worked to create a community with all three open doors. And even if you could only attend by yourself through the third door, we have tried to provide online home groups (Church in the Lobby groups) to keep the community going.
A lot has changed in the last 3-4 weeks in our society, with vaccinations and loosening of social distancing restrictions in most places. This is true for us as a church, as well.
So…what is the plan this summer?
What about the door to in-person church services?
This door is now wide open and available to you.
We are completely encouraging face-to-face time at our Sunday worship services. Our building is wide open. If you have not been vaccinated, we encourage you to wear a mask, but we are policing no one. Most importantly, I feel strongly that it is time to gather as a church family again!
What about the Door to Church in a Home?
This door is now wide open and available to you.
Groups continue to gather together in homes and stream the service together. I encourage this! I applaud this! They are gathering with other believers in teaching and worship.
If you are in one of these groups this summer, I also suggest the following:
- Attend the monthly worship evenings this summer. The next worship evening is July 18. This will be an in-person event only and will not be streamed. We will sing together, take communion together, and share testimonies of what God is doing—and you will see other face to face!
- As a group, attend the Sunday in-person service periodically. This will allow you to see, and worship with, the larger church family.
- Invite new people into your home group gatherings. Consider your group time an opportunity to reach out to those who might not attend a larger church service.
What about the Door to Church streamed in my own home?
This door will always be available.
If you are still unable to attend in person with others on Sunday mornings—either in the church building or in a home group—please rest assured that the Sunday services will continue to be streamed and available to you. We are choosing to continue to stream our Sunday morning services, and we will not stop doing this. You will not be left out in any way. Obviously, experiencing a worship service alone, with no shared worship or discussion with others, is the least desirable option—but sometimes this may be your only option. I will do my best to make sure all our people can connect in some fashion.
- If you are sick or in a vulnerable situation, and you are unable to meet in person, I still encourage to connect online with the service.
- Please drop notes and prayer requests in the online contact form so that we can reach out to one another in the best way possible. I strongly encourage you to do this.
- Church in the Lobby online groups will continue to meet after the church services. These groups allow those unable to meet in person to still connect, if only online. They are meaningful and well attended. Join one!
In the end…worship and grow in God’s Word with others. Do not live in isolation.
See you Sunday at LifeWay through one of our 3 Doors!