If I walked into a hospital room (which somehow sounds strange in our new world of COVID-19 restrictions!) and asked the sick patient if they really wanted to get well from the illness that hospitalized them, I am pretty sure they would give me a sarcastic response.
“Why do you think I am here? Of course I am looking for a cure!”
The story I am teaching this Sunday is from John 5:1-15. I ask you to read ahead before this coming Sunday morning. In that encounter with a 38-year invalid man, Jesus asked the key question: “Do you want to get well?” (v. 6). As you prepare for Sunday’s service, think through this question and explore the commentary in your own Bible about verse 6. As you read and study ahead, use this framework for your thinking:
- Think about the question from the perspective of the man in this story, and then think about it from your vantage point as well. What did it mean for him? What does it mean for you?
- What was Jesus asking of the man as he sought healing—and what is Jesus asking of you if you really want and expect a healing experience from the Lord?
- What was the path to healing for this man? What is the path for healing for you when you seek Jesus?
This statement will be a key part of Sunday’s teaching:
We are in a series of messages all year called, “The Book of Jesus.” The entire Bible begins and ends with Jesus. We can’t understand God without knowing Jesus. We can’t understand our situation without knowing Jesus. In this current winter season, we are walking through stories from the book of John that show us how Jesus was more than a carpenter, a miracle worker, or an amazing teacher. Walk with us each Sunday morning in this series. Join a small LifeGroup to follow up each Sunday with insights and applications about what we’re learning. If you are ready to join an in-person or online group, please contact Alvin Lin.
See you Sunday at 10 a.m. through one of our 3 doors to worship:
- 1: Watch online in your own home
- 2: Join a small group and stream the service together
- 3: Come to church and join us inside the building (remember to register!)