At our Tuesday evening prayer meeting this week, Rik Budd was our leader, and he asked that we focus our attention and prayers to the CIC week (Community Impact Celebration) at LifeWay. And as he began our prayer time, he read from Acts 20:24 which is a strong testimony from the Apostle Paul as he was accounting for the purpose of his life.
Acts 20:24 “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” (NIV)
Rik’s point as he led our prayer meeting was that he is — and we all should be — challenged by these words from Paul that speak of the point of why we are here…why we have been placed in this city…why God has us live right now. We have the good news (the Gospel) of God’s grace to share with our world that does not know it.
This Sunday February 25 we are joining in a service with another local congregation (Soma Church) at our LifeWay building. The key message this Sunday will be from my dear friend, Soma’s pastor, Justin Westcott. I will be here and am anxious to study with the rest of our church family (Justin is NOT a supply preacher in my absence – we are all going to hear from him together). Why are we doing this? Because we are two different local congregations both striving to find out how God can use us to bring the Gospel to our own city.
I spent Wednesday noon this week with our missions team in a prayer meeting for our partners and ministries we connect with around the world. I have a world globe on my desk and I have a habit of rotating the globe as we pray for each of these people and places on all the continents. But this CIC week we are focusing on God’s calling and purpose for us right here in this immediate community. I pray that you take advantage of finding out ways that you can be used for God’s purposes right here as we explore the week. Take advantage of it. Don’t miss this chance.
Before you attend the worship this Sunday I challenge you to read Acts 20:17-38, and then highlight Acts 20:24 to help guide your attention. Why did God put you here in this city? Are you ready to be used for His purposes?
See you Sunday morning