Christmas Fest 2024 Wrap Up!
I am so proud of LifeWay Church. I don’t know how many people were involved in making this event happen, but it was a bunch for sure! Lots of meaningful and fun craft booths, Christmas Story tellers; hot dog crew; hot chocolate makers; cookie makers; hay ride hosts; photo booth photographers; Christmas greeters at the door; face painters; and lots of warm greeters around the room.
Christmas Fest 2024 was a huge success, and honestly it truly accomplished what I had prayed for. We connected heavily with young families in our neighborhood. Of course we do it in order to bring some joy to kids and families at such a delightful time of year. But we certainly go to the effort for this event because we want to connect with our community and open the door for Gospel conversations. This was accomplished and I am so grateful to the attitude and participation of our LifeWay people to pull it off. I know we always like to know how many showed up. I can’t give an exact number because it was hard to count the movement around the room and property. But I did a couple of rough counts as best I could a few times throughout the evening, and I did my count NOT on our LifeWay people, but on the guests that were here. I was coming up with about 100 new guests each time who came to join us. I also know that we had between 40-50 LifeWay people from teens to older adults all serving side by side throughout the evening. I also know that we served almost 200 hot dogs and many gallons of hot chocolate!
There will be a next year by the way! Likely Sunday December 7th, 2025, if you are one of those that like to calendar ahead. But more to come on this later. For now, I just want to give a heart felt and warm thank you to you here at LifeWay as we are on mission for Christ in our community. I could certainly list lots of names, but I am afraid I would miss some because there were so many of you of all ages.
Merry Christmas and Thank you LifeWay!

Fall 2024