I don’t know if this is a badge of honor or a mark of shame or somewhere in between, but many years ago I began doing garage sales shopping with my wife. At the beginning I tolerated it, and as time went on I really got into it. The reason is because I really found some amazing bargains for some things that I really needed and wanted. I’m not much of a general shopper but I really got into the idea that those things at the store that cost me $20 I could find for $1.00 often in a garage sale. Many of you have been in our home and you would know that so much of the furniture and items that are in our home we’re not purchased at full retail that’s for sure. I love a good bargain! Of course the backup is that we need to be careful that we don’t become hoarders, right? It’s one thing to approach the normal purchases of life and look for good price. But it is quite something different when we approach the almighty with the most precious things of life and look for the right bargain instead of understanding the full cost.
This coming Sunday I feel very compelled to slow down, teach and talk through Romans 5:6-21 and a discussion about GRACE. One of the common terms that you might hear in the church world is the term “CHEAP GRACE” and the incredible dangers of approaching the Almighty like we are going to a bargain basement shopping spree. Trying to live in a relationship with God but doing it under the world view of thinking that this grace Christ offers us is like a bargain shopping event has become through the ages has led to some of the greatest heresies in all of Christendom. And for us in the Church family, we can never become a fully devoted follower of Christ and live out His full mission in our lives until we grow deeper in our understanding of the full grace of God. That’s why I am going to slow down a little bit and cover this passage again this week and walk through the subject of Grace. A little heads up for the weeks ahead, probably my favorite chapter in the Bible is Romans 8. But I am coming to understand that I cannot fully grasp the power and positive results of chapter 8 until I slowly dive into these chapters leading up to it. We will get to chapter 8 several weeks from now. Go slow through this. Read it and meditate on it slowly. Write it out. Let God pour this over your heart.
In order to prepare for this Sunday, read again Romans 5:6-21. Highlight special words, phrases, and images that stand out to you. Then come prepared to study it together and hopefully discuss this with others.
See you Sunday morning.
Stay warm this weekend!