Thoughts on Theology (Page 5)
Bringing Justice, Reconciliation and Grace to a World in Chaos
As you wrestle with your own responses to the news of the day and the many messages out there, please remember that when we have found Jesus ourselves, we are appointed by God to be messengers of justice, reconciliation, and grace.
Developing your Own Prayer Life
Prayer truly is the privilege of entering into a conversation with the Creator God, our Almighty Father. This is the Holy of Holies that we can now access because of what Christ has done.
More Than Just Mom
Celebrating titles that God gave to all women This Sunday is a wonderful day to celebrate all the women in our lives who have raised us, loved us, challenged us, and given so much for us. As a daughter and a mother, I can truly say that “mom” is a great title to have! I have been thinking a lot about some other titles that God has given women—titles that are rich and powerful and full of meaning (much like…