Thoughts on Theology

Thoughts on Theology

New Covenant in Christ’s Blood

Here at LifeWay, we come together and have communion as a body of Christ, once a month. We do this in remembrance of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. During communion, we firstly eat the bread. Then secondly, we drink from the cup. When we take the cup each month, however, have you noticed that Billy, more often than not, recites from Luke 22.20? He says, “Jesus took a cup and said, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my…

Are There Angels in Our Midst? (Part II)

Read Part I So, the question is how has God used angels in the past? Firstly, angels are God’s message carriers. Did you know that the Greek word, angel, means “messenger”? Angels are God’s spokespersons, so to speak. In the Old Testament, an angel carried God’s message to direct Abraham’s maidservant, Hagar, to return to her mistress, Sarai. Two angels carried God’s message to Abraham and told him about God’s plan to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah. An angel carried…

Are There Angels in Our Midst? (Part I)

Ahh, angels. Beings from heaven with an angelic face, white robes, wings extending over the shoulders, complete with a halo above the head. Some play a harp, or trumpet. When they sing, they sing with, you guessed it, angelic voices. We are obsessed with angels. We talk about them. We draw them, with a pencil and with snow. We name a MLB baseball team, a motorcycle club, a Navy acrobatic squadron, not to mention a large metropolis, after them. Would…

All Who Desire to Live Godly in Christ Jesus (Part II)

Read Part I When we face persecution, it is not wrong for us to pray for them to go away. But it is likely of no use. I am not saying here that God doesn’t hear our prayers, and we should stop praying. But I am saying our persecutions will likely not go away. Persecution will stay with us, until the day Christ returns. Nothing in the way Paul wrote in the Bible suggests our persecutions will go away. As…

All Who Desire to Live Godly in Christ Jesus (Part I)

Even though the Bible does not explicitly define what is persecution, we can all spot it as we read along the Bible, can’t we? Since the days of the Old Testament, God’s people have always faced persecution. Prophets were persecuted whenever they carried messages the people didn’t want to hear. They were reviled, tortured, and killed. The persecutions did not stop in the New Testament. Stephen became the first martyr in Christianity when he was stoned, and executed, in front…

Bind Satan?

We all tend to repeat things we see others do. Sometimes we are copycats just because. Other times, we copy someone because we are doing something for the first time. When I was a new believer in Christ, one of the things I didn’t know how to do was pray to God. What I meant to say was I didn’t know what I should say when I prayed. I didn’t know what was right, and what was not right to…

The “Word” (Part II)

Read Part I If the Word does not refer to God’s spoken words out of his mouth, then what does it mean? To rephrase the question, what was the Logos to John’s audience in the 1st century? If I remember anything from high school world history, it is that by the 1st century, the Greek absolutely loved philosophy. They were philosophers. If they were not philosophers, they were philosopher-wannabes. This explains why you and I still remember there were those…

The “Word” (Part I)

If you didn’t know this yet, one of Billy’s favorite verses, if not his favorite verse in the entire Bible, is John 1.1. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Billy loves to preach on this verse especially during Christmas time, and if I were to take a guess, he is about to do it again in a few months. I love John 1.1 too. I think it is one…

Prayers for Impossible Things

You and I have a most useful tool in our toolbox. It sits in our toolbox. It’s right there. But we seldom go into our toolbox to retrieve it. Why is that? If this is a useful tool, why do we use it only sometimes? This tool, of course, is prayer. Not just any prayer, but prayer for “impossible” things. One day, I began to think about the prayers I prayed to God each day, and I noticed that they…

When Is It Acceptable To Lie? (Part II)

Read Part I When I think about why the Bible teaches us to always tell the truth, my mind goes to two places. The first place is that our God is a God of truth. He always tells the truth. There is zero untruth in him. Every part of his being is truth. For this reason, we can take it to the bank every word he says in the Bible. It makes no sense for us to say God is…

When Is It Acceptable To Lie? (Part I)

Parents from hundreds of years ago, and from every part of the planet, knew one thing they must teach to their children. They all knew that teaching their own children to tell the truth, and to always tell the truth, was the right thing to do. Or do you know anyone who taught their children to tell the truth only some of the time? I hope you will say none. No parents bring home their newborn baby from the hospital,…

Are All Sins Equal? (Part II)

Read Part I So, all sins are equal because any sin, large or small, cuts us off completely from a relationship with God. Is that it? Not so fast. It is a true statement one sin causes us to have zero relationship with God, no matter how big or how small is the sin, and so sin is sin. But the Bible seems to also say another thing. Actually, it seems to also say the opposite thing. I know it…

Are All Sins Equal? (Part I)

I think back to the many years when I was a young man, and not yet a believer in Christ. One day, I heard a Christian person say that all sins were equal. In those days, I didn’t ask many questions and I kept what I heard in my heart. But deep down inside, I knew he was wrong because I had already made up my mind there were different degrees of sins (back then, I called them “evils”) in…

An Easter Poem

A triumphant ride into the townJesus was greeted with the cheersHosanna! proclaimed the peopleOur king is finally here. Now he stands in front of PilateNo longer came the CheersNow changed to Shouts of crucify!The Angry crowds did jeer Then, on the cross, our Lord did hangIt is finished! His last cryHe suffered unimaginable agonyAll for you and I For three long days and three long nightsIn the grave, his body layThose who loved and knew himThought he was there To…

When An Unbeliever Prays (Part II)

Read Part I An unbelieving person clicks “send” on his screen, and submits a prayer request to God. What will you say happens next? Does the email come through into God’s inbox? Does God even see the “unread” email? If God sees the email, does he open it? If he opens it, does he read it? If he reads it, what does he do with it next? Is God aware that the email came from an unbeliever, and therefore he…

When An Unbeliever Prays (Part I)

As most of you know, Jenny and I became proud first-time grandparents last year. Oliver (Ollie) was born at 27 weeks. He has spent already four months in the NICU, and is still in a NICU today. Jenny and I are so grateful God has given us a church family so we don’t have to walk on this journey alone. You have not stopped asking either of us about Ollie every Sunday. You have prayed, and continue to pray for…

The Sin That Provokes God to Anger (A Lot) Part IV

Read Part I Read Part II Read Part III The words, “idol” and “idolatry”, appeared in the Old Testament. But they didn’t disappear from our Bibles when we moved over to the New Testament. I take this to mean that idols and idolatry are still alive and well in our world today. Our God is a God who does not change. If what provoked God to anger, a lot, in the Old Testament was idol worship, then I want to…

The Sin That Provokes God to Anger (A Lot) Part III

Read Part I Read Part II God said to the Israelites they were not to even dabble with playing with idols. He also said in no uncertain terms that if they were to engage in worshipping idols, the penalty would be severe. Exodus 22.20 He who sacrifices to any god, other than to the LORD alone, shall be utterly destroyed. Deuteronomy 17.2–5 If there is found in your midst, in any of your towns, which the LORD your God is…

The Sin That Provokes God to Anger (A Lot) Part II

Read Part I If you recall, there was a time when Hezekiah became King of Judah, and the Bible said he was a good king. He did right in the eyes of God. He removed idols and destroyed idols. And it said right there in 2 Kings that he also destroyed the bronze serpent that Moses had made. Apparently, the Israelites burned incense to Moses’ bronze serpent, and I take this to mean that the Israelites were worshipping the bronze…

The Sin That Provokes God to Anger (A Lot) Part I

We are now well into the third week of the new year. I cannot speak for you but for me, this year is unlike any other year in the past I can remember. I say this because I have not heard in the news nor on the television about making new year resolutions. No one on our staff has talked about them either. What about you? Year after year around January 1st, I hear people talk excitedly about their determination…

The Case for Xmas

As a young man in my twenties, there was a time when I sent Christmas cards to my family to wish them a Merry Christmas. I didn’t write “Merry Christmas”. I wrote “Merry Xmas” instead. I don’t think I did that because I wasn’t a believer in Christ at that time, and I wished to avoid making any reference to Christ, or Jesus, or God. You see, even though I wasn’t a believer, I was also not someone who opposed…

My Thoughts on Forgiveness (Part IV)

Read Part I Read Part II Read Part III Forgiving another person is hard You know by now that forgiving another person is not easy. Forgiving others is hard work. It is supposed to be hard. If we are doing this right, forgiving others is hard because it costs us something. It requires us to cast aside our selfishness. It requires us to restrain ourselves from taking revenge on, and slander, those who have offended us. It requires us to…

My Thoughts on Forgiveness (Part III)

Read Part I Read Part II So, to forgive is, to me, more than to think or say or act as though what had happened was not a big deal, and less than forgetting what that someone has done to offend us. It is somewhere inbetween the two. I know that doesn’t really help you – we all can use a little more definition. So, I wish to share in here some of what I am thinking about forgiveness. Keep…

My Thoughts on Forgiveness (Part II)

Read Part I Giving a definition of what is forgiveness is a huge undertaking because of its many complex aspects. How do you define what is forgiveness? The Minister John MacArthur writes, “Forgiveness is a verbally-declared, personally-given promise, a statement of undeserved, unearned love that affirms that though I have been offended, there is no anger, no hatred, no desire for vengeance, no bitterness, no retaliation.” The person who has forgiven another has done all those things. Some say to…

My Thoughts on Forgiveness (Part I)

You and I are not very different from each other. I know I am not wrong. Each of us has stepped on someone’s toes. Maybe not all the time, but enough times. I know, because you and I are sinners, and it is only a matter of time before we step on each other’s toes. We have been guilty of saying insensitive things to another person, and offended them. We have said the wrong things and have done things we…