Sermon Series (Page 9)

Sermon Series (Page 9)

One Day at a Time, Sweet Jesus

I know by now you have all heard of our state government’s recent shutdown of indoor restaurants, workout centers, and public gatherings as we move closer to the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. This, of course, concerns me for the sake of the many local businesses and the families it affects. I am certainly concerned as well about the spread of COVID-19 and increasing infections. But I am here to address what this means for us here at LifeWay Church, and…

Partnering With the World

Are you ready for your commitment? This whole week we have focused on ways that we are invited by the Almighty God of the universe to partner with him in his work. A Christian leader a while back famously said, “Find out what God is doing, and then join him.” The beauty of this truth is that we actually do get to join God in his incredible work. He offers this partnership to his people (you and me), but are…

A Test

Today I am giving you a test on “The Book of Jesus”! A test?! A test of what? Well, it’s a test of your theology and doctrine. Everyone’s life is built on theology and doctrine. You may wonder why I say this, because so many people don’t really have a belief in God and a trust in scripture. Do even those people have a theology and doctrine in their life? The answer: yes—as everyone believes in something. Everyone has a “god”…


This fall I have walked us, Sunday by Sunday, through the major theological and doctrinal truths of scripture that point us toward the story of Jesus. This Sunday, November 1, we will focus in on one of the most significant and historically memorable events in the Old Testament out of the book of Exodus: the Passover. Why the Passover story in a series called, “The Book of Jesus”?  Because you cannot fully grasp the central truth of Jesus Christ until…


We throw this word—sacrifice—around a good bit in our conversations. I think we use it most often far too casually. We say we will “sacrifice our time” when it comes to volunteering for a project. We might say “we sacrifice our money” when we give to an organization. We might say we “sacrifice our career” when we make certain choices for family matters. Sometimes this term is used when we feel like we are victims of something. Sometimes it is…

Covenant: Understanding God’s Covenant to Mankind

Genesis 12:1-3 The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Sunday morning’s message is found in Genesis 12:1-3. This is the…

The Shattering of Our Nobility

There is nobility in being human. That’s what we studied this past weekend. That’s also what we feel deep down inside.  Well, if that’s true, then what happened? Why does it all feel so dysfunctional, chaotic, and even deeply wrong? Because we have “shattered the image” that we were created to be. Homework Here is your homework assignment as we prepare for this weekend. Read ahead As you prepare for this coming Sunday morning, read these passages: Genesis 3 &…

The Nobility of Being a Human

Memory Verse for the week of October 4:  So God created mankind in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.Genesis 1:27 (NIV) I love the creation story. I find myself pausing often to marvel at the creation in its glory at all seasons of the year. Living in the Pacific Northwest, we have the advantage of seeing the grandeur of the creative artwork of God when Mt. Rainier pops above…

Why “Christian”?

Christ is the invisible image of the invisible God.Colossians 1:15 Have you ever given deeper thought to what it means to be called a Christian? The title of “Christianity” was not something that the early disciples and apostles came up with for themselves. In fact, they often referred to themselves as “followers of the Way.” The designation of being a “Christian” actually came from outsiders who where trying to describe this unique group of people who put Christ at their…

What Season Is It?

What season is it? Football season? Time to put on our Seahawks gear and cheer?  Well…maybe…unless someone comes down with a virus, or the air is too toxic to play and the game is canceled. Apple harvest season? Well…maybe…unless a forest fire in Eastern Washington rages through the apple orchard. School season? Well…maybe…unless the schools don’t meet in person, or there’s a power outage on what’s supposed to be the first day of school (as it did in Federal Way…

The Most Famous Parable

Since July 5th, we have been studying week by week through some of the parables of Jesus. Using a parable was the favorite way that Jesus taught lessons. These were not just “moral lessons of life,” but instead were views into what the Kingdom of God was like. I have asked you each week to make sure you know how to read all the parables for yourself in your personal study: What is the familiar and recognizable truth that became…

Your Life is a Garden

This Sunday, September 6, we are studying together the powerful and highly realistic parable of the sowing of seeds in a garden. As you prepare for this study: Read the parable: Matthew 13:1-9 & 18-23. The same parable is found in Mark 4:1-9 and Luke 8:4-15. Read these as well. Think through the exaggerated truths that become obvious as you read. Think through spiritual truths and how they apply to your personal life. Then, read these passages that will bring…

Beyond Nice

“Be nice to each other on the playground!” That’s a phrase that comes straight out of our school days. When I would go outside to play with my friends, my mom would frequently voice that comment to me as I headed out the door: “Don’t forget to be nice to each other!”  The rules and the boundaries of my behavior were laid out for me at an early age. Why did my mother give me this instruction? Because she knew…

A Fool? Who, Me?

Have you ever been called a fool? These are very strong words and a deeply insulting accusation. But this is the description Jesus used in the parable of the “rich fool.” This Sunday morning we will open our Bibles to Luke 12:13-21 for this parable from Jesus. Read ahead now as you prepare yourself for our time of teaching this weekend. Like every weekend, there are questions that will be available for you to ask each other at the end of our teaching time. Let’s…

Humble Before God

“I am sure glad I am not like that person!” Have you ever had that thought? Have you ever said those words? Maybe you looked at a poverty situation, and even with a heavy and broken heart, you deep down were thinking, “I sure am glad I am not them!”  The parable for this coming Sunday is a contrasting view of life between a well-put-together, humanly respected man (the Pharisee) and a person that had a broken life with layers…

What is the Voice You Follow?

John 10:10 is a verse in the Bible that I learned a very long time ago: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” I viewed it for a long time as God’s positive thinking for me…that he wants me to have a great life! I should live it up because he wants it all for me! For me it has always been a high-water-mark…

Are You Exhausted Yet?

Are you exhausted yet? Are you ready to give up?   Think about a time when you have been totally exhausted. Maybe you had to drive all night long to make sure you got somewhere on time. Maybe you stayed up and studied for a major exam the next day. Maybe you worked one month straight of very long shifts at work. You walk in the door, collapse on the bed, and you are just drained. Or maybe in your total…

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like…?

Have you ever wondered what it means when people talk about “the Kingdom of Heaven”?  This Sunday, in my continued series of messages out of the parables of Jesus, I will walk us through the parable of the Fishing Net, found in Matthew 13:47-52. As you prepare for Sunday’s message, I want you to read not only this parable found here, but all of Matthew 13. This chapter is composed almost entirely of one parable after another that Jesus taught,…

Who is Invited to the Banquet?

Have you ever been invited to a party or asked to show up at a special event, but had to decline at the last minute? Maybe you were too busy. Maybe you got sick. Maybe you had something better to do that came up. Those are the essentials of the parable of Jesus that I will be teaching from this coming Sunday morning. We are in a summer series of messages we are calling Kingdom Surprises. This Sunday, July 19,…

The Unfruitful Fig Tree

The Parable of the Unfruitful Fig Tree – Luke 13:6-9 Last Sunday morning in my teaching time, I launched us into a summer study of the parables of Jesus with the first parable of the new wine and old wineskins. This Sunday, for our second study, I will be walking us through the very short, but almost harsh, parable of the unfruitful fig tree.  Jesus was famous for his use of parables. Most of the time we think of them…

The Kingdom of God is Like…

Beginning this Sunday morning, July 5, at our 10 a.m. streaming service, I have the privilege of opening up a new series of teachings from the parables of Jesus in the gospels. The first parable that I will open is found in Luke 5:33-39, and it is famously called the parable of the wineskins. To prepare your hearts for Sunday morning, I am asking you to read Luke 4 and 5, and get a handle on what was going on…

Read the Book of Joel!

Last week I simply said to take a few days and read the short, but very pointed, Old Testament book of Habakkuk. It reads like a headline out of today’s news.  This week I would encourage you to read another Old Testament book that also reads as breaking news in our times. Joel 1:2 says simply, “Has anything like this ever happened in your days or in the days of your forefathers???”  Let the book of Joel be a special…

Learning to Pray in Circles

This Sunday I will finish our series of messages based out of John 17, concentrating on the final verses, 17:20-26. Read this a few times before we study. Read it carefully and slowly, and let it sink in what Jesus is praying about, and who he is praying for. He is praying for you! Almost 2000 years ago, the night that Jesus was arrested, he turned his attention in prayer to the heavenly Father in a final address. He prayed…

Developing your Own Prayer Life

Prayer truly is the privilege of entering into a conversation with the Creator God, our Almighty Father. This is the Holy of Holies that we can now access because of what Christ has done.