Coming This Sunday

Coming This Sunday

Take this Cup from me!

My dad was an extrovert extraordinaire and often the life of social events. He was deeply dedicated to the cause of Christ, the work of the Church, and had a tremendous love for community at large where he lived. He was my dad first, and the Pastor of the church I grew up in second. Certainly, he had his flaws like the rest of us, but was a really good dad, a well-respected Pastor, and a well-known community figure. He…

“What are you bringing to the Church Potluck Dinner?”

In the early days of our planting this Church, somewhere around 1986, we had several people who had recently come to faith in Christ and had never attended or been engaged with a Church of any kind. Everything we did as a congregational practice was new to them. I have wonderful memories during these years of explaining why we did what we did, but it was the first time I had ever been around people that knew nothing about Church…

Jesus’ ‘Bloody Parable’ – leading to Jesus’ ‘Bloody week’ ahead

I titled this article in a way to hopefully force you to do a double take – “A Bloody and Violent Parable!” One of the preachers from the past that I enjoy reading used this title for the story that we are focusing on this week. When I saw it, it certainly captured my attention, and I hope it does the same for you. Parables are one of the most popular and wonderful tools of teaching that Jesus used during…

Jesus’ Victory Parade

In 2014 when the Seattle Seahawks won the Super Bowl by beating the Denver Broncos (with a blow out score of 43-8 by the way!), Patty and had I international students who were living with us at the time — 2 young men from China and 1 young man from Thailand. We decided to treat them to a fun American and NW experience by going to downtown Seattle for the Seahawks Super Bowl Victory Parade. It was indeed a cultural…

From the Mountain Top

It seems that one of the most common illustrations that I use when writing or speaking is the illustration of Mountain Top experiences. Well, I’m using it again. But as I help prepare us for our Sunday morning teaching time, it’s hard not to use the same “Mountain Top” experience story because the story itself is an experience from a true, physical mountain top. Here’s are some of what I’ve learned from being on mountains in my life… These are…

Who He is, changes who I am!

One of the silly love songs that my wife and I laugh about occasionally when we lift listen to the oldies station is the song, ”I will follow you.” You may or may not be familiar with it but it is a 1963 song written by Ricky Nelson.  Some of the lyrics are… I will follow youFollow you wherever you may goThere isn’t an ocean too deepA mountain so high it can keep me away Away from my love! My…

Who do you say that I am?

Have you ever met someone famous? I love the game at parties… “Two truths and a lie.”  When I play this game I love to put famous names out there; two of them being a truth, and one being a lie. Patty and I have run across in random ways many people that were quite well known; politicians, film stars, musicians, sports stars, and even a US President (before he was the president). These would be recognizable people to you,…

The Great Spiritual Exam

Boy Oh Boy do I remember exams at school. Some of you reading this are still taking exams at school. But for others, like me, you might remember well what exam time meant, especially those dreaded ‘final exams!’  Maybe you enjoyed exams at school, but I did not. Taking a final exam was much like a trip to the dentist office for me when they drill on your teeth. You know you have to go through it, and there is…

Can you do that in church???

As I have told you many times, I am a ‘Church Kid’ from the earliest of times. My father was a Baptist Pastor in Texas and that is the home and environment I grew up in. I have absolutely NO complaints about this; I was NOT scared by this; and I have positive memories from this kind of background. (I only say this because sometimes we hear those kinds of background stories in negative ways — and mine was very…

“Have Faith! Get out of the Boat!??!!??”

This sounds so much like a great quote to help us learn the lesson of how to have greater faith. As you all know I certainly do watch movies, and honestly I do like the Indiana Jones movie series. In the last of this trilogy Indiana is searching for the holy grail used by Jesus at His last supper. Indiana is to follow the ‘clues’ in order to work his way back into the room where the holy grail is…

Bread that Multiplies!

When I was in college my mom gave me the starter mix for cinnamon rolls. I had three other roommates, and it became kind of fun to start with a batch of bread, and with the correct ingredients, the bread could be divided, then cooked, then eaten by the rest of us, but it wasn’t all gone. When I put back part of the bread it would just grow until we were ready to have more! I fattened up my…

How Big is God to You?

I love asking this question to children. It opens up all kinds of conversations and comparisons to the size of God. As we all know, a child most often defines size that is compared to a parent.  Let me give you an illustration from my life.   I was working at one of the many children’s camps I’ve helped with over the years, and at this particular time it was a kid’s camp in Russia. So, I not only was…

What Child is This? – The Wise Men

Crossing the desert to seek the child Adventure stories from days of old and the trail blazers from history still fascinate me. Lewis and Clark were commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson to cross the uncharted parts of North America to the Pacific Ocean. I’m fascinated with their very young native Indian young girl guide Sacajawea that helped guide and negotiate on that land crossing. Christopher Columbus was sent by the King of Spain to try to cross the unknown and…

What Child is This? – Simeon and Anna

Merry Christmas one more time! As I write this article to you, our dear LifeWay Church family, on this Thursday morning the day after Christmas, I just want to say that my heart is full and warmed by the pleasure of being part of this dear family, as well as being amazing partners with you as we strive to serve the King by carrying the Gospel message to the world. Somehow the Christmas Eve candlelight services served as an amazing…

What Child Is This? – The Shepherds

Hi there! Can you tell me who was the first shepherd mentioned in the Bible? Do you know who was a shepherdess according to Genesis 29? Did you know that Moses was married to a shepherdess? It’s true. It’s in the Bible. Shepherds is a major theme in the Bible. They are everywhere not only in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament as well. I remember growing up as a little boy, my parents brought out our Nativity…

What Child is This? – Joseph

I’ve done lots of pre-marriage counseling over the years, and I have always enjoyed it. Of course, I have done weddings for people who were all ages. Pre-marriage visits are always enjoyable and the couples are always ‘giddy’ about getting married no matter what age they are. I think the oldest couple I did a wedding for were in the 80’s… and yes, they were delightfully giddy and behaved just like high school kids all over again. It’s pretty fun…

What Child Is This? – Mary

Last week we began our Advent Season with John the Baptist and his parents, Zachariah and Elizabeth. We saw that John was the forerunner of Jesus, the Messiah. Intertwined with the story of Zachariah and Elizabeth, is the story of Jesus’ mother, Mary. Mary and Elizabeth were relatives, and despite the difference in the women’s ages, their miraculous babies would arrive within months of each other. While Elizabeth’s pregnancy was a cause for celebration, Mary’s was a bit more problematic.…

What Child Is This? – John the Baptist

What do you remember about John the Baptist in the Bible? Do you remember he was the forerunner to Jesus? Do you remember he was the one who baptized Jesus in the river? He tried to stop Jesus when Jesus asked to be baptized by him. However, after Jesus did some convincing, he finally gave in. But John was also a strange little fellow, wouldn’t you say? The Bible said he lived in the Judean desert for a long time.…

Thanksgiving Worship with the LifeWay Family

This coming Sunday morning at 10am, we are dedicating our worship time to practice the incredible spiritual habit of GIVING THANKS. Of course, next Thursday is the wonderful American holiday of Thanksgiving. Even though the world shares a few holidays with our culture, this one is truly an American holiday that is so special, and… it is so biblical… it encompasses the beautiful spiritual habit of giving thanks to God. So what does our Sunday worship time look like? How…

Who Do You Say that I Am? – From Desperation to Disciple

When I was 15 years old my grandmother bought a plane ticket for my cousin and I from Texas to Fairbanks, Alaska. It was a dream trip for a 9th grade kid, and it was my first ever commercial airplane ride. I have an uncle who lived there then and still lives there today. To top all this off, he was at that time a bush pilot taking frequent flights all over central and north slope Alaska. Unbelievably fun flying…

Who Do You Say that I Am? – Mark 5:1–20

I’ve heard the term ‘The Total Depravity of Man’ much of my life, especially when I have studied books and classes on theology. It sort of rolls off my tongue these days and makes us feel so theologically intelligent.  I know that most of you have heard me use that term a great deal in my preaching over the years. Last year this was a major theme when I taught through the book of Romans. The term “Depravity”  sounds so…

Jesus Heals AND Forgives!

When I was a child growing up in Sunday School, of course we focused on Bible Stories. I loved my children’s Bible because not only were the stories pretty cool, but the illustrations and paintings that helped tell the story were memorable and wonderfully visual. My Bible would take a great story and help create an image in my mind that made aided in making it real. Interestingly enough, as a teenager when I began to make a real concerted…

This is Why I Have Come

If you grew up with either a little bit or a lot of a “Churchy” background, then invoking the name of Jesus at least in some way is not that abnormal. You or your family may not have believed deeply or trusted Jesus with the day to day of life, but at least if there was some kind of acknowledgement of Him at Christmas time or Easter, then you were not out of line. And absolutely when there is a…

At the Heart of Why God Put Us Here on this Earth

This is our week… our Missions Focus week… that we call GIC (Global Impact Celebration). As a Pastor of LifeWay it is my privilege to help guide this congregation in the many aspects of our ministry and endeavors. I love the Christmas season and its services. I love summer camps and the connections. I love Easter and its glorious celebration. But I love this GIC week the most. Why? Because I believe it hits at the heart of why God…

Principle of the Harvest

Did you know that one six out of every ten apples that are eaten in the USA comes from the State of Washington? Even though the population of our state makes up only 2% of the national population, our apples make up 60% of the consumption in the USA! Apples are easily the largest crop that is produced in our state, and Wenatchee happens to be the hub of it all. But what makes it even more interesting is that…