Church in the Lobby
Do you know how, at the end of a Sunday morning when you’d leave the church service (can you remember those days?), you’d stop for a while to hang out and visit with people you know, meet some new faces, and just be social? Those were the good ol’ days, weren’t they? In the current world of having everything streamed into our living rooms, we wonder when we’re ever going to get to do that again!

Well, this coming Sunday, May 3, we are having “church in the lobby” again! Of course, it will be online for now. At the conclusion of our streaming service, you are invited to hop into a Church in the Lobby group on Zoom. We will have a leader waiting for you, and you and a small group of people can check in on each other, ask any follow-up questions you might have, and maybe even have lunch together. Until we can meet again physically in the building, this is one way we are going to meaningfully connect.
So starting this Sunday, meet me at Church in the Lobby at the conclusion of our service. Learn more here
God’s Epic Finale: Romans 8
Romans 8:31-39 might be one of the most powerful passages in all of scripture. This passage of scripture is truly a life-changer in every way. This Sunday I will be teaching out of this passage to finish off our four-week series through Romans 8. Read the passage this week slowly, deliberately, and thoughtfully, contemplating the eternal truths that come out of this for our lives. This is God’s Word. See you Sunday morning as we open this passage together. Read Romans 8:31-39
Love you all.

Billy Arnold