Behold the Lamb of God!
For 20 years our church presented the outdoor walk through event called “The Living Nativity Tour.” It was a reenactment of the birth of Jesus story complete with angels, wise men, shepherds, sheep, Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus. We saw thousands of people come through those tours over those years (20 years of doing it, and about 450 performances! That’s lots of walk around our property in the cold of December!). At the end of the tour each at the manger scene, we walked the tour back into the modern world and I was the one who would do a wrap up of what people just saw. So about 450 times I would tell people that we tried to get them to experience the actual birth of Jesus story set in the 1st century, that the baby that was born was far more than just a child born, but was actually the Sacrificial Lamb of God. I would tie the Christmas birth story to the Easter story – His death, burial and resurrection. One year, I remember distinctly that a woman got a little upset me and really challenged me to stick with the Christmas birth of Jesus story and leave it there. She said to me that we were here to hear about Christmas, and not hear about Easter.
We are unwrapping the name of Jesus this Christmas month — and this Sunday we are highlighting Jesus – the Lamb of God. Why? Because even though Jesus did indeed come as a child in a manger in Bethlehem with all of the beautiful parts of this story, He came as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
As you prepare for this coming Sunday, read ahead in two different places, Old Testament then New Testament.
- 1st – Exodus 12:21-28 (the Passover story)
- 2nd – John 1:29-42 (John the Baptist’s response when seeing Jesus)
These passages will help guide you to see that why this child Jesus is called “The Lamb of God.”
See you Sunday morning as we unwrap this critical name of Jesus.
By the way, the Living Nativity is still out there and has been adopted by a church family we are great friends with. In encourage you to check it out and take a friend if you can. It is free. It is wonderful!
Christ Church Edgewood
1120 114th Ave E
Tours are Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening this week.