From my family to yours: Happy New Year to the wonderful LifeWay Church family!
This coming Sunday, January 2, 2022 (!), we are going to have a family-style service—no kids’ classes, no youth group. Instead, kids and youth will join the adults. Together we will celebrate the New Year with some great musical worship, and we will open our Bibles again to an important message about how to Build His Church. I will be closing out the fifth message about how to build the Koinonia Wall to His Church.
I know this is at the end of a holiday weekend, but what a great time to take a look at how the first church in Acts 2 were living in awe of what God was doing. And out of that “awe and wonder,” God was using their testimony to bring thousands of people to him.
- Read ahead for yourselves for this coming Sunday: Acts 2:42-47 and Acts 4:32-37
As we move into January, I will begin teaching on the third wall to His Church. I am giving you some heads-up now that I am asking us to systematically read the following books of the Bible over the next 3 months—January, February, and March:
- The book of Acts chapters 1-20
- The book of 1 Corinthians (all 16 chapters)
- The book of Ephesians (all 6 chapters)
- The book of Philippians (all 4 chapters)
This section of study will be the most challenging during this year. You will need to make a personal plan and set aside time to carefully read these parts of the Bible as we learn how to Build His Church. I will explain to you this coming Sunday how you can accomplish this. We will launch this series of messages on January 9. Get ready for a great study. Do your part by preparing ahead each week.
Happy New Year to you all. See you on the first Sunday of 2022 at 10 a.m.!