Posts by Billy Arnold (Page 9)
Developing Your Own Devotional Guide
Hearing God Speak to You Every Day One of my greatest desires for our church family is for each of you who calls LifeWay Church home to develop the life-long habit of picking up your Bible personally every morning (or evening, or during your noon lunch break) and listening to God speak to you. To borrow a phrase from youth director Kevin P: “If you want to hear God speak, then open your Bible. If you want to hear God…
“For God So Loved the World…”
“For God so loved the world…” I would guess that for many of you, if I gave you this opening line, you could finish it for me. You might be able to tell me where to find it in the Bible. Many of you have seen this famous verse on a billboard signs at stadium events, or even painted on the uniforms of a famous football player. If I ask you to think a little deeper, you probably could tell…
Where Have We Been, and Where Are We Going Next?
LifeWay Church Sunday Teaching: The Book of Jesus In September 2020, LifeWay began a journey of study that we have called, “The Book of Jesus.” The intent of this journey is to highlight how God’s story—as written in all of the Bible, both Old Testament and New Testament—is completely centered around Jesus. I want to remind you today where we have been and where we are now, and share a little look ahead into where we are going—and how you can and…
Ambassadors into a New Administration
Praying for the new presidential administration as a follower of Christ—and a citizen of this country I don’t need to remind you of the chaos in our country right now. Many of us have varying opinions about how things could be, should be, should have been, etc. I have seen this coming like a storm for about 5 years now, in a direct way. I have always, as a pastor, cringed some during election times. About 3 years ago I…
How Am I Reacting to the National News Right Now?
I went to bed last night and then woke up this morning, like so many of you, pretty heavy-hearted about the state of our nation, state, region and world. Much like many of you, I certainly have reflected on the state of affairs and my reaction to them. These words reflect some of my sentiments: Frustration. Embarrassment. Shame. Anger. No surprise to most of you, I am a pretty conservative person, personally and politically. But having friends around the world…
Entering LifeWay Church Through One of Three Doors
Someone I have known a long time asked me the other day, “Is your church meeting yet?” It’s not an uncommon question these days. I even had a local pastor friend ask me the same question when I saw him at Costco. In turn, he told me what his church is doing in these unprecedented days. Here’s my answer to both them, and a reminder to you: Our church has never closed! Yes, indeed—we are open, and will remain open…
Can Things Be New in the New Year?
Most everyone is ready to turn the calendar over to 2021. But we also know well that just turning over a date does not make all things new. I don’t mean to be a downer. But here’s what I do know about making all things new: it doesn’t come from turning over a calendar page, or watching the clock strike midnight on December 31. It comes from a life in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the…
Proclaiming to the World Who He Is
“Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised. I have seen you salvation which you have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel.” Luke 2:29 The passage above is the amazing proclamation of a man named Simeon. Luke chapter 2 tells his story. Read Simeon’s words in Luke 2 for yourself over the Christmas weekend. This elderly man had…
Do You Know Him as King?
The Wise Men in the Christmas story had a question. “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:2) We know these historical figures well. Many of us have the wise men in our Nativity sets, on our desks or even in our front yards. Who were these guys, really? How do they really play into the storyline of God’s gift of Jesus to the world? What did their question really mean? Let’s consider it…
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” is a classic Christmas song that is solemn and powerful. It was written 1200 years ago during the Middle Ages, in a religious monastery. The first lyrics were in Latin: Veni, veni, Emmanuel. Musically played and sung in a minor key, it’s almost as if the darkness of night is brought to life when you hear and sing this song. You can almost feel a longing and anticipation that light will eventually come, even though…
Did You Know Jesus Came for All Nations?
When you picture Jesus in your mind’s eye, what do you see? I asked this question last week. This week holds the next challenging question: Is Jesus a cultural figure for only one part of the world? This Sunday we will study Isaiah 49, a prophecy of the coming of the Messiah—the birth of Jesus. It is a prophetic passage that tells us who the Messiah is, and who in the world his message is really for. The passage talks…
Give Thanks? How?
Give thanks???? How? In the middle of this world mess? One of the famous true stories that emerged out of the World War II years is of Corrie Ten Boom. Some of you have been inspired by her most famous biographical book, The Hiding Place, or by the movie of the same title. For those who are not familiar, let me give you a highly condensed overview. Corrie Ten Boom’s parents were dedicated Christ followers in the Netherlands when Germany…
Did You Know?
2020 Advent & Christmas Season Sermons at LifeWay What comes to mind when you think about Jesus? What picture or image or even famous painting comes into your head? Images are extremely powerful and lasting. In every one of our lives there will be a few powerful images that emerge from our past experiences that we can never shake—some of them extremely positive, and some, in the opposite way, highly terrifying. What is the image that you see when I…
One Day at a Time, Sweet Jesus
I know by now you have all heard of our state government’s recent shutdown of indoor restaurants, workout centers, and public gatherings as we move closer to the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. This, of course, concerns me for the sake of the many local businesses and the families it affects. I am certainly concerned as well about the spread of COVID-19 and increasing infections. But I am here to address what this means for us here at LifeWay Church, and…
Partnering With the World
Are you ready for your commitment? This whole week we have focused on ways that we are invited by the Almighty God of the universe to partner with him in his work. A Christian leader a while back famously said, “Find out what God is doing, and then join him.” The beauty of this truth is that we actually do get to join God in his incredible work. He offers this partnership to his people (you and me), but are…
A Quick Word from Billy about the GIC
A decade ago, LifeWay Church felt led by God to make a major shift in the reason for our existence. We committed to remaking ourselves into becoming… An equipping and sending church A going church A Great Commission church A missions church In 2012, we started what has become the most important week in the life of our church calendar: the GLOBAL IMPACT CELEBRATION (GIC). Since 2012, for every GIC we have invited guest missionary workers from around the world…
A Test
Today I am giving you a test on “The Book of Jesus”! A test?! A test of what? Well, it’s a test of your theology and doctrine. Everyone’s life is built on theology and doctrine. You may wonder why I say this, because so many people don’t really have a belief in God and a trust in scripture. Do even those people have a theology and doctrine in their life? The answer: yes—as everyone believes in something. Everyone has a “god”…
This fall I have walked us, Sunday by Sunday, through the major theological and doctrinal truths of scripture that point us toward the story of Jesus. This Sunday, November 1, we will focus in on one of the most significant and historically memorable events in the Old Testament out of the book of Exodus: the Passover. Why the Passover story in a series called, “The Book of Jesus”? Because you cannot fully grasp the central truth of Jesus Christ until…
We throw this word—sacrifice—around a good bit in our conversations. I think we use it most often far too casually. We say we will “sacrifice our time” when it comes to volunteering for a project. We might say “we sacrifice our money” when we give to an organization. We might say we “sacrifice our career” when we make certain choices for family matters. Sometimes this term is used when we feel like we are victims of something. Sometimes it is…
Covenant: Understanding God’s Covenant to Mankind
Genesis 12:1-3 The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Sunday morning’s message is found in Genesis 12:1-3. This is the…
The Shattering of Our Nobility
There is nobility in being human. That’s what we studied this past weekend. That’s also what we feel deep down inside. Well, if that’s true, then what happened? Why does it all feel so dysfunctional, chaotic, and even deeply wrong? Because we have “shattered the image” that we were created to be. Homework Here is your homework assignment as we prepare for this weekend. Read ahead As you prepare for this coming Sunday morning, read these passages: Genesis 3 &…
The Nobility of Being a Human
Memory Verse for the week of October 4: So God created mankind in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.Genesis 1:27 (NIV) I love the creation story. I find myself pausing often to marvel at the creation in its glory at all seasons of the year. Living in the Pacific Northwest, we have the advantage of seeing the grandeur of the creative artwork of God when Mt. Rainier pops above…
Why “Christian”?
Christ is the invisible image of the invisible God.Colossians 1:15 Have you ever given deeper thought to what it means to be called a Christian? The title of “Christianity” was not something that the early disciples and apostles came up with for themselves. In fact, they often referred to themselves as “followers of the Way.” The designation of being a “Christian” actually came from outsiders who where trying to describe this unique group of people who put Christ at their…
What Season Is It?
What season is it? Football season? Time to put on our Seahawks gear and cheer? Well…maybe…unless someone comes down with a virus, or the air is too toxic to play and the game is canceled. Apple harvest season? Well…maybe…unless a forest fire in Eastern Washington rages through the apple orchard. School season? Well…maybe…unless the schools don’t meet in person, or there’s a power outage on what’s supposed to be the first day of school (as it did in Federal Way…
The Most Famous Parable
Since July 5th, we have been studying week by week through some of the parables of Jesus. Using a parable was the favorite way that Jesus taught lessons. These were not just “moral lessons of life,” but instead were views into what the Kingdom of God was like. I have asked you each week to make sure you know how to read all the parables for yourself in your personal study: What is the familiar and recognizable truth that became…