This Sunday at 5 p.m. we will have our annual all-church Family Meeting. I am asking as many of you as possible to attend this gathering time.
What is the big deal about an annual church meeting?
- We will affirm new LifeWay elders. Over the last few months, three new names were submitted as possible elders. An interview team has independently vetted these three candidates and is now recommending their acceptance into the Council of Elders. The three recommended candidates are Samuel Taylor, Chaise DeVries, and Mike Lindholm.
- We will address basic church business, including where are we financially, where are we in our property improvements and changes (at both Dash Point and 356th Street), and where are in our church programming and church calendar.
- We will hear a “State of the Church” review from elders and leaders, including myself. My part of this review will not be about money or property, but about measuring ourselves against our mission. We are in challenging times, and the gospel message is out there in a very broken world.
- We will spend time in prayer. This may be the most important thing we do at this meeting. We will pray for our church and our dedication to the mission that God has given us. We will pray for our unity. We will pray for our purity as a church family.
By the way…pizza and salad will be served at 5 p.m.!
I hope to see you Sunday evening as we join in with others who are part of the body of Christ at LifeWay.