Praying for the new presidential administration as a follower of Christ—and a citizen of this country
I don’t need to remind you of the chaos in our country right now. Many of us have varying opinions about how things could be, should be, should have been, etc. I have seen this coming like a storm for about 5 years now, in a direct way. I have always, as a pastor, cringed some during election times. About 3 years ago I wanted to begin wading our church family through the deep and unsettling waters surrounding faith and politics in a democratic society, as followers of Christ. I feel that in the days ahead we really need to walk through this carefully, spiritually, and biblically as a church family.
But here’s the deal for today, and the message I am pleading for us all to adhere to. This is a plea for those who were confused or dumbfounded by Trump, or even hated him, as well as for those who supported, agreed with the policies of, or even loved Trump. It’s for those who tolerated and those who rebelled, those who lean in one direction a little or a lot, and those who lean the other direction a little or a lot:
We are followers of Christ. We are ambassadors in a dark world. No political system is the answer to all our societal issues. We are called by God to give respect and pray for our societal and governmental leaders. We are Christ followers, and Christ followers are called to always pray for the leaders of our society—always.
Next week, I am proud to say as an American that we are inaugurating another president, an event which will in turn lead to a new administration. My saying this with American pride in no way says that I agree or disagree with the new leader, as it is usually a combination of both. As an American who has seen and worked with lots of other nations around the globe, I am proud that we have a peaceful transfer of power and not a revolution. I pledge as an American to make sure that I do my part to ensure that it remains that way. As a pastor of a congregation in America, I will always encourage us to participate in this way and no other.
I have watched with great pride, as an American, the inauguration of every president since Jimmy Carter, and have loved watching each of them—in fact, I have most of them recorded—Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and now Biden. I was transferring on a plane on the way home from Russia during Obama’s inauguration. I actually did not vote for him, but I was proud of the display of the event while sitting around with non-Americans who watched with envy. It’s a beautiful American sight to behold.
As a follower of Christ in a broken world, though, my king has been and always will be the Lord Jesus Christ. As an American citizen, I have always prayed and will continue to pray for and be supportive of the mayors, governors, and presidents of our nation. They have a very difficult job. When I feel the conflict between my faith and the declarations of my leader, I have to wrestle with that and point people to Jesus. And so should you.
Bottom line for today is this: pray regularly for our new President Biden and his administration as they enter into office this next week. These are challenging days, and he and many others are commissioned by Americans to guide us administratively. I have always regularly prayed for every administration, no matter how I voted. I would never be one to personally cry out, “Never my president.” I abhor this sentiment at all times and always find it offensive, and I absolutely encourage all of you in this congregation to be the same, now and any time in the future. If we have been any different in the past in our behaviors and comments, then we need to repent. God has told us to pray for our leaders. This is an extremely challenging issue that is dividing not just our country, but even the Christian church today. I am praying through how to help us all, in a mature way, work through this important subject in the days ahead.
I also pray for you and me to point people to Jesus Christ as the only Savior, the only King now and forever. Be a “light to the Gentiles,” as the Bible calls us to be.
Love you all.