Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
I have many, many Bible passages that I review, pray through, think about, and from which I apply truth at different times in my life’s journey. But this passage, Proverbs 3:5-6, ranks in the Top 2 for me. (The other is 1 Peter 5:6-11.) This proverb is a cornerstone. It seems to sum up my understanding of alignment in my life.
When I spend daily time in prayer, I walk through a process of being in awe of God first, then seeking greater alignment with God for my life today. Alignment for me is much like taking your car to the shop and asking them to align the four tires so they all go in the same direction. If they are not aligned properly, one or more of the tires will wear out and become bare. I am headed toward a flat tire and immobility.
When I am not aligned properly, and daily, with the Almighty God, that is exactly what happens to me. I wear out. I become immobile. That’s what the promise in Proverbs 3 is all about. It’s as if God is saying, “Billy, get your four wheels lined up with me, and I will use you well!”
This coming Sunday, June 20, the sermon will be based on this passage. Before you arrive at the service, read and contemplate through these verses. I ask you to think through the words…
- Trust
- Lean
- Submit
Then, take a look at the final promise: “…and he will make your paths straight.”
We are studying through God’s wisdom in the Proverbs and merging it with our real lives all summer. Keep reading four chapters of Proverbs per week. Underline and highlight what speaks to you. Talk about what you read with your family and friends. Let’s grow together in God’s wisdom!
See you Sunday!